It was in orange, i already explained why it was crashing, i changed only that and the game doesn't crash anymore.In the demo, the game would crash if I had the vram usage on Red. Adjust the settings so it stays on Orange.
No you remember right. I abused the shit out of that in the original. I always tried to upgrade the ammo of a weapon which had an empty or almost empty clip.Maybe I’m misremembering, but didn’t you get your weapons fully loaded when you upgraded the ammo? The remake doesn’t do that.
Anyone? If not how bad is it?Did they ever fix the dead zone issue on the xbox?
I don't have the game, but df said it's the same as demo on xbox.Anyone? If not how bad is it?
Yeah, I've already beaten him and just got past the garden in the castle. But that running part was so dumb and annoying I almost stopped playing right then and there. But the most baffling thing about it is that it turned out to be so incredibly short that it served absolutely no point. They removed the gondola ride for this retarded sequence, lol.You do fight him though, and it's almost exactly the same fight. That's after the run sequence.
RE was never pure survival horror though, even the first game is all action in the third act; re remake has given people false memories of what the series always used to be.Its the moment they departed from pure survival horror
It makes all the sense, it is the same in the original too, the guns have hidden critical hit ratings; the default handgun's exclusive upgrade even makes it a critical hit monster.I also hate that damage seems to be completely random. Sometimes I have to pump 3 point blank shotgun blasts into a basic mob and other times it will go down with a single pistol shot. Doesn't make any sense.
Yeah I was bummed about no lazer sight on the red 9.Man why did they limit the laser sight to only some guns? Fucking lame. It made all guns equal, now I’m just sticking to the Punisher when the Blacktail was my previous go to. Not going to bother with a shit reticule, which isn’t only inaccurate it’s a visual eyesore on an otherwise great looking game. And the Red9, no bother.
Just…..why, Capcom? It wasn’t broke. It actively disincentivizes me from using certain weapons. Waiting for a mod for this which I hope arrives.
It wasn't so all over the place though.It makes all the sense, it is the same in the original too, the guns have hidden critical hit ratings; the default handgun's exclusive upgrade even makes it a critical hit monster.
I wouldn't say it's all over the place, but critical hits do seem to happen more frequently with the default pistol even without the upgrade; they probably just increased the rating a bit.It wasn't so all over the place though.
That's never been Resident Evil's thing.
RE7 is the closest you'll get to that. And even that becomes ridiculous by the end.
Yeah but critical hit usually resulted in head exploding so if you went for the center mass it almost never happened and depending on the gun's power level it took a couple of hits to make them go down. In this game, however, I sometimes made a blind shot in panic and hit them at a random part of the body and they just went down from that one hit, while other times, as I mentioned before, I would just keep blasting them from a shotgun at point blank and they would keep getting up.I wouldn't say it's all over the place, but critical hits do seem to happen more frequently with the default pistol even without the upgrade; they probably just increased the rating a bit.
Also in the original the RNG was determined by the game's clock, perhaps they are using a different method of determining % now to be more accurate (and thus more frequent).
Fun fact, in the original the critical chance of the gun applied to every action you took, so even the suplex, knife or kick to the head enjoyed the exclusive handgun critical upgrade, which is how you see those speedruns of people knifing krauser to death super quick.
You unlock Professional after beating the gameI'm gonna take my time with this one. Just beat Del Lago last night . Plays great on my Deck. Hoping to get to the castle today. Hearing the difficulty ramps up shortly so that'll be good , starting to get clogged with too much items and ammo on hard-core. Sounds like the horde hold off with Luis will chew into that and an El Gigante fight also.
This game maybe better than the OG. It certainly has me hooked the way the original did 17 or so years prior.
Is there a harder difficulty after hard-core? Like a Madhouse or Villiage of Shadows ?
Welcome to 2005!damn, I think this game is not for me... it does not play like resident evil 2 remake did.
I did not play any resident evil game past 2, so this is quite a shock of a change in gameplay style. It's like some kind of weird action shooting game from the late 2000s' , xD like your guy is talking like duke nukem and is round house kicking dudes in the face , wtf is this LOL. I was expecting serious survival horror here , not penny-arcade Evil Dead.
Well I guess this what I get for going in blind.
I genuinely preferred having the ability to order her to stand still but have her also take damage than have her just randomly decide to get caught, randomly die because her AI was too slow to respond etc. There's basically no good strategy with her it feels like.
"its worse than the original bro what a bad unnessacary remake!!!"My full thoughts on the game after completing it last night:
- The gameplay is outstanding. The guns feels great, and the options you have for proper positioning and environmental damage during fights create a variety of ways to take down your enemies effectively.
- Exploration is very rewarding. The treasure system creates plenty of depth on what gem combinations you can use to get as much money as possible. I have often run into brand new enemies and challenges just by simply backtracking.
- The added scenarios and areas are all good. They more than make up for some of the cut content.
- All of the characters (except for one) are better in the Remake. They have way more depth to them, better acted, and the Remake goes out of the way to flesh them out more. Luis and Krauser in particular have much more to their character than the Original. Ashley is a big standout from her Original counterpart. The voice actress for her absolutely acted her ass off, especially when Ashley is panicking and screaming.
- Leon is just great. He's a great blend between being a serious government agent, and a goofy one line spewing action hero, all while staying consistent with his character from RE2R.
- The Island has been greatly improved in the Remake.
- The challenge is way better in this one, forcing you to actually strategize with how you approach encounters, whether to try to stealth kill enemies to conserve ammo, etc etc. The enemies are a bigger threat due to how quickly they can close in on you.
- The music slaps.
- The Attache Case customization is a welcome addition that gives you way more incentive to do the Shooting Gallery than the Original.
- Speaking of the Shooting Gallery, The Merchant is just awesome. He has way more personality here, and he's always a welcome sight.
- Some of the bosses in the Remake are better designed here. Krauser's fight is the big standout.
- The Knife and Parry System is another welcome addition, giving you the ability to defend yourself against attacking enemies, and stealth killing enemies to conserve ammo.
- The Mine Cart section is adrenaline pumping fun. It deserves it's own mention.
- The overall story is going for a darker horror, compared to it's Original campy horror. They really went in hard on the evil cult angle, and it works horrifically. From a pure aesthetic point of view, this is one of the more horrifying entries in the franchise.
- Ada Wong. Her design is great, but everything else about her is worse in this one. Her voice actress stands out amongst the other actors due to how bored and uninterested she sounds. Her character has more scenes, but are used poorly. She comes off uninterested in every scene she's in, to the point where she comes off like she doesn't care about Leon. They fleshed out their relationship more in the RE2 Remake, and they had an opportunity here to grow it some more. Unfortunately they completely dropped the ball on that. It's bad enough that she's actually a blemish on the story, due to the main story and other characters being so good.
- Even though I played on the PC and had 0 technical issues, I cannot ignore the horrible Deadzone issues some console players are experiencing. While I'm sure they can adapt to the aiming, it will without a doubt cause issues with more precise aiming on harder difficulties and most especially the Shooting Gallery.
- Salazar's boss fight is frustrating. He takes way more punishment than he should, and his 2nd phase offers little opportunity to hit his weak spot.
- Most of the cuts didn't bother me at all, but the lack of U3 is a bit of a disappointment not gonna lie.
It's hard to say whether or not the Remake surpasses the Original, as it cannot be ignored that the Original was groundbreaking for it's time. At the time of both these games release, the Original was the better game due to that reason, but that said, I'm going to have a hard time going back to the Original after playing this. RE4 Remake is one of the best entries in the series. This is a game I'll be replaying many times over. It teases the hell out of Separate Ways and I cannot wait for it. Capcom did a phenomenal job here.
It's a 9.5/10 game for me. I think the Deadzone issues, Ada Wong, and the lack of extra modes on release, prevented me from giving it a 10. My score might change over time.
Gotta love the Exclusive Upgrade ticket in combination with the Handcannon. Goddamn!
Did you beat Professional on a fresh New Game already?
Quite the opposite really, modern lighting does all sorts of service to the mood and art style imo.From watching gameplay footage of it, the remake looks incredibly crisp and clean. I'm curious whether or not this was a detriment to the original's art style, sometimes dank and drab is good. Same thing with the GTA: Definition Edition.
My only real negative is Ada. Her VA in RE2R was perfect. It's too bad they weren't able to bring her back. Her new VA isn't terrible; she just doesn't seem to fit her. That aside I wish they did a bit more with her in the main game. Hoping they give her a good campaign DLC. Maybe if I spend more than a minute with her she can grow on me.
Ashley’s new voice actress has done a phenomenal job so far. Her sounds of panic, concern for Leon, and cries for help sound so real. Luis is unquestionably better in this than the Remake. Leon’s VA does a great job with this different take on Leon too.
Ada unfortunately sounds like her VA is bored. I don’t know if she’s just bad, or if it was bad voice direction. It was great seeing Leon and Ada’s reunion and him owning her in a brief fight again.
Get good, dude. It is literally one of the easiest encounters in the game, also you have run like what 150m?!Okay, I'm at the part now where you have to run from Mendez (who's not even named in this version and he's been reduced to a near-mute Mr. X stand-in because... why exactly?), and it's so fucking annoying. If you or Ashley are hit then it's over, you can just reload a save there because you won't be able to pick that bitch up and either you're gonna get pummeled to death or he's gonna grab her an it's mission failed.
Big fan of the Ashley voice work in this. In the OG, she was grating and shrill. In the Remake, she's endearing. I haven't even intentionally got her killed once
Agreed on Ada's voice actress. I haven't looked up who she is, but voice-wise, she does NOT fit the character. Gave me a real Tracy Chapman/Rick Astley vibe; people who do NOT look like their voices sound haha
The game is fantastic overall, though
I looked up the voice actress for Ada. She's apparently the same actress who played that Ada cameo in Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City. Now it makes sense. I can't speak of her as an actor, but this seems like a case of a total miscast. They brought back Leon's voice actor from RE2R. Him and the VA for Ada in that game had good chemistry. Not sure what they were thinking.
The RNG doesn't work well in my opinion. For whatever reason the game is constantly giving me Pesetas when I have no ammo left. It almost feels as if the adaptive loot only applies to crates/ barrels etc. rather than enemies a lot of the time. It was if the game was pressuring me into buying weapons I wanted to skip too.