To be honest all you're really describing is the same scenario that those same companies have been in for generations now I mean haven't you fucking notice some of the same publishers you're talking about been doing this for multiple generations?
So when you're saying the majority of the 9th generation I need you to fucking understand you're literally describing every other generation because there is no brand new thing here regarding what you're describing you're just talking about those very same people that remastered before remastering again.....
It means you're describing a moot point
Additionally, who cares?
What does it matter to you that some new consumer is playing the remaster of an IP? What ode does the publisher have to NOT MAKE MONEY, not get NEW CONSUMERS to buy existing IP, to what exactly? So you don't' fucking see a release you don't need to buy?
So a lot of the games listed I didn't buy, a lot of em I did buy, it means someone here has gotten introduced to an IP thru a remaster that they otherwise would overlook regarding an IP
and they are making Witcher 4 and CP 2077's sequel
and Remedy is currently working on Control 2 as well...
annnnnd no team even exits to make a actual MGS6 considering the shit show that was Survive, the best they can do is remake those older ones
and you got a fuck ton of Yakuzas even with this release
yet we still have RE9 in development
Not made by Rockstar...cause most of the shit you listed is generally not made by the main teams
Grand* Theft Auto 6 is still being made and RDR2 exist
Of a Dead IP, it makes sense to test the waters with a remake considering they do not have the original team and would need to test both the audience to see if the IP really has value and if the team can pull it off
So...look, I don't see the issue here cause this is still a fucking business and I don't see the benefit to the consumer to have less opportunities to game it makes no sense for both parties because I just don't understand why it matters to some of you that someone else is playing a franchise through a remaster, port or remake that might be new to them
If you own the original nothing's fucking stopping you from just playing that, but I'm not understanding this hostility because the business wants to create a remaster to continue to generate revenue, I'm not understanding how that's a positive thing to you for the company to NOT make additional money and I don't see how that benefits you if they don't put out a game like this
The 50 to 100 people they had working for 4 to 6 months, your ass is not fucking getting some brand new game with that time frame to make it sound as if the effort put in these is somehow having you magically miss out on some grandiose title
This is like saying you don't want a company to show reruns of the show or you don't want them to put an existing show on a streaming network to make additional revenue it just makes no fucking sense and I've yet to hear any logical sound argument to actually support these not existing.
I'm trying to figure out who actually is benefiting from them not existing?
^ This. We will probably see a few PS3 gen titles get remade, but I think Killzone 2 might be more likely then Resistance IP
? Well...not really, its a popular title that released for Switch 1, a remaster or port to Switch 2 isn't that wild
Zelda OoT got a released on N64, was later ported to Gamecube....was later ported to 3DS too, all this means is some of you either didn't know this was a normal thing or not paying attention or something lol This is standard for them...
Twilight Princess released on Gamecube, ported to Wii....
Skyward Sword released on Wii ported to Wii U
So, i'm convinced some of you either never really noticed this or never knew or something, as this is a normal practice for some of those publishers and if anyone is shocked at this...just sounds like you've been sleep lol