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Historic nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers

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The Middle-East is at the moment fighting both Al-Qaeda and ISIS, both accidentally armed by the United States. There are a lot of countries that have messed up in the Middle-East. Maybe if they actually talked like this deal hopes to accomplish, that won't happen as much...


Great, let's hand over billions of dollars to the World's leading sponsor of terrorism. That should work out well.

Looks like congratulations have already been received from Assad, who's ruthless government is propped up entirely by Iran (including a $1billion lifeline just last week)

Meanwhile the Iranian people suffer under the oppressive regime and atheists, gays, journalists et al, wonder how such liberal bastions as the US can throw them under the fucking bus.

I'd rather neither.

You'd rather see zero progress, then, because outside of bombing them off the face of the Earth, you're going to have to coexist with them. Sorry dude.

Diplomacy leads to peace. War leads to more war. This is a good deal, no matter how Rush Limbaugh will spin it to you.
Great, let's hand over billions of dollars to the World's leading sponsor of terrorism. That should work out well.

Looks like congratulations have already been received from Assad, who's ruthless government is propped up entirely by Iran (including a $1billion lifeline just last week)

Meanwhile the Iranian people suffer under the oppressive regime and atheists, gays, journalists et al, wonder how such liberal bastions as the US can throw them under the fucking bus.

I'd rather neither.

What would you rather do instead? Can you think of a better alternative?


good credit (by proxy)
Why not just spend a bunch of money to help them develop a modern LFTR design and then use that design around the world? Kill two birds with one stone, make nuclear safer for everybody, and make it safer in a way that makes it extremely difficult for people to make weapons out of.
Great, let's hand over billions of dollars to the World's leading sponsor of terrorism. That should work out well.

Looks like congratulations have already been received from Assad, who's ruthless government is propped up entirely by Iran (including a $1billion lifeline just last week)

Meanwhile the Iranian people suffer under the oppressive regime and atheists, gays, journalists et al, wonder how such liberal bastions as the US can throw them under the fucking bus.
So what should we do? Continue with sanctions? Great, Iranian nuclear program accelerates and goes even more underground.

Unless you want the military option...which no sane person should.
I can't help but think if Obama was white, with all the shit he's getting done, he would be at a 60% - 70% approval rate instead of a 50%.

Generally I agree, but I don't think it would help here.

The people that tend to most hate the fact the POTUS is black also tend to most hate any action that could be the slightest construed as going against Israel (as this deal could).


I will take a murder like Assad over his enemies, which consist in other equally murderous, yet X1000 times as bigoted ISIS-like guerrillas any day of the week. What about you?

As for stability in the Middle East, perhas we should be focusing in stopping Saudi Arabia's current, very real Yemeni war rather than focusing on hypotetic, imaginary future Iranian conflicts.

But it seems that the Persian boogeyman is far too scary (and useful) for keeping many sectarian conflicts alive.

I hate this ignorant scope about what is happening in Syria. ISIS is hated there by everyone and rebels movement is against both ISIS and Alassad. Making this rebellion against a dictator like Alassad looks like it's all about ISIS and just ignore everything else about what is happening there is exactly what Alassad want the world to believe.

Actually it's funny that you mentioned that because if you looked up ISIS history in Syria they've been fighting with rebels almost all the time until near future and they were rarely attacking Alassad so I really wonder who is ISIS real enemy in Syria?!
I will take a murder like Assad over his enemies, which consist in other equally murderous, yet X1000 times as bigoted ISIS-like guerrillas any day of the week. What about you?

As for stability in the Middle East, perhas we should be focusing in stopping Saudi Arabia's current, very real Yemeni war rather than focusing on hypotetic, imaginary future Iranian conflicts.

But it seems that the Persian boogeyman is far too scary (and useful) for keeping many sectarian conflicts alive.

If you think every rebel group are nothing but radical Islamists or just no different then ISIS, then you don't know much about his enemies.

Some people shouldn't really worry the sanctions won't get lifted soon it seems
( it looks that way) and the arms embargo will be in place for 5 years. I suspect Turkey, and the Gulf nations will step up their agenda in the short-term .
The US has supported many repressive regimes in the past. And we continue to do so till this day. I'd rather Iran than Saudi.

Right, it was wrong in the past, it is wrong to do so now. It is one of the main arguments for justifying anti Western terrorism. I also would rather neither Iran or Saudi Arabia. They are both horrible countries. Cordial relations are fine, but Iran should not be an ally.

Funky Papa

Right, it was wrong in the past, it is wrong to do so now. It is one of the main arguments for justifying anti Western terrorism. I also would rather neither Iran or Saudi Arabia. They are both horrible countries. Cordial relations are fine, but Iran should not be an ally.

For the *nth time, Iran is is not going to turn into an ally any time soon. The geopolitical landscape prevents this.

This is about facilitating a regime change down the road or at least cordial relations by enabling positive change.

Do you know what sanctions have achieved so far? Jack and Shit.


That's Saudi Arabia, and you do that already.
USA also support the killing of Yemenis through Saudi Arabia and its Sunni sectarian coalition and started resuming arms deals with Bahrain, a country that kills and oppress its own people who demanded....more rights, freedom and less discrimination. U.S. also invaded and fucked over an entire country (not even going to bother all the crimes it due to Iraq the past 6 decades) but let's talk about how Iran is going to conquer the world.

It's funny how easy it is to tell here which guys in this thread that are pro-Israel/GCC and would rather have a war with Iran. No surprise that Iran and Saudi Arabia has close relations: shit attracts shit.

Congrats to Iran.


I think ultimately this is a good move. Sabre rattling, animosity, war and sanctions do little but heighten tensions and give rise to more fundamentalism. Whilst true that Iran does have a long way to go regarding certain rights issues (e.g. pertaining to homosexuality), it is not the absolute oppressive backwards country so much of the media (especially from Israel and the US) falsely makes out, and is actually quite progressive and modern as far as Islamic countries are concerned.

Pre-1953 Iranian coup d'état (which was orchestrated by the US and the UK, simply because the Iranian government wanted to take back it's oil, and is what formed the basis for the Shah and later Ayatollah's to take power), Iran was actually very progressive, with a democratically elected and secular government and Prime Minister.
I'm honestly surprised that so many people in this thread are okay with the U.S. and Iran announcing a formal alliance.

This isn't an alliance. An alliance is peanut butter and jelly. Mario and Luigi.

This is two very adversarial nation states agreeing that the status quo was not sustainable ( different reasons on both sides) and doing something about it. It's less friendly than, say, SALT or START and those treaties were agreed two by two parties just thirty minutes from undoing the aggregate effort of the human endeavour.
I'm honestly surprised that so many people in this thread are okay with the U.S. and Iran announcing a formal alliance.

Don't know if you are joking.

Lol that ridiculous, I know it is a wet dream for some liberals to want the US to be allied with Iran and get rid of Saudi Arabia, but this isn't an alliance at all and any type of any real friendly relations won't happen anytime soon most likely. It's just about preventing their use of getting rid of their nuclear capabilities. The bigger picture here I imagine is to prevent a huge rise of tensions with some other nations and preventing a possible conflict. If the deal failed or will fail the US would most likely take military action.


USA also support the killing of Yemenis through Saudi Arabia and its Sunni sectarian coalition and started resuming arms deals with Bahrain, a country that kills and oppress its own people who demanded....more rights, freedom and less discrimination. U.S. also invaded and fucked over an entire country (not even going to bother all the crimes it due to Iraq the past 6 decades) but let's talk about how Iran is going to conquer the world.

It's funny how easy it is to tell here which guys in this thread that are pro-Israel/GCC and would rather have a war with Iran. No surprise that Iran and Saudi Arabia has close relations: shit attracts shit.

Congrats to Iran.

Iran also support the killing of innocents in Syria and support a sectarian war against Sunni in Iraq. Iran is NOT even a bit better than of the country you mentioned so if you want to condemn any of the actions these countries did maybe you should have some consistency and condemn Iran as well.


I will take a murder like Assad over his enemies, which consist in other equally murderous, yet X1000 times as bigoted ISIS-like guerrillas any day of the week. What about you?

As for stability in the Middle East, perhaps we should be focusing in stopping Saudi Arabia's current, very real Yemeni war rather than focusing on hypotetic, imaginary future Iranian conflicts.

But it seems that the Persian boogeyman is far too scary (and useful) for keeping many sectarian conflicts alive.
Pretty much. You can't trust a Baathist dictator although he's like a mild version of Saddam, nevertheless it's better than anything ISIS gives.

Sad to see how the Sunni Muslim world can't see the bigger picture and just swallow the narrative set by Turkey/Qatar/Saudi Arabia. Basically what many of them, and what the Sunni countries involved and what certain Western countries support and wouldn't care to see is stuff like this:

(from Twitter: Palmyria under Assad and under ISIS)


....for the only reason that Syria is on the wrong side of the geopolitical war and for an oil pipeline, nice. Doubt the western world would even give two shits about Syria if they didn't kiss Qatar's and KSA's ass thanks to their strong lobbying.
Pre-1953 Iranian coup d'état (which was orchestrated by the US and the UK, simply because the Iranian government wanted to take back it's oil, and is what formed the basis for the Shah and later Ayatollah's to take power), Iran was actually very progressive, with a democratically elected and secular government and Prime Minister.

And now Iran is murdering and overthrowing democratically elected leaders. Or supporting the most murderous regime in the Middle East with thousands of troops and billions in weapons.


Pretty much. You can't trust a Baathist dictator although he's like a mild version of Saddam, nevertheless it's better than anything ISIS gives.

Sad to see how the Sunni Muslim world can't see the bigger picture and just swallow the narrative set by Turkey/Qatar/Saudi Arabia. Basically what many of them, and what the Sunni countries involved and what certain Western countries support and wouldn't care to see is stuff like this:

(from Twitter: Palmyria under Assad and under ISIS)


....for the only reason that Syria is on the wrong side of the geopolitical war and for an oil pipeline, nice. Doubt the western world would even give two shits about Syria if they didn't kiss Qatar's and KSA's ass thanks to their strong lobbying.

lol yeah right because it's not like they're rebels who fight BOTH Alassad and ISIS in Syria so fuck them let's make the rebellion in Syria look like it's ISIS vs Alassad so Iran don't look so bad supporting him?


Nice, they actually sorted a deal out - something that I thought would never happen. Here's hoping it doesn't get eviscerated during the review period.


USA also support the killing of Yemenis through Saudi Arabia and its Sunni sectarian coalition and started resuming arms deals with Bahrain, a country that kills and oppress its own people who demanded....more rights, freedom and less discrimination. U.S. also invaded and fucked over an entire country (not even going to bother all the crimes it due to Iraq the past 6 decades) but let's talk about how Iran is going to conquer the world.

It's funny how easy it is to tell here which guys in this thread that are pro-Israel/GCC and would rather have a war with Iran. No surprise that Iran and Saudi Arabia has close relations: shit attracts shit.

Congrats to Iran.

As touched upon, the US also supports, funds and arms Israel, which has been engaged in probably the most heinous campaign of recent historic memory, essentially slowly colonising Palestine, actually gradually wiping it off the map, stealing it's land, displacing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, killing and imprisoning thousands of others, and continuously occupying and building settlements upon more and more of it's land. Hell, at least one of the posters posting in this thread has admitted to living in one of the internationally recognised illegal settlements….It's gone beyond the realm of imagination at this point.

I honestly believe the situation with Palestine has probably been one of the biggest catalysts and fuels for animosity and terrorism towards the US, yet for some reason the US continues to fully support Israel in it's antics either way. And yet here we are debating whether it should be coming to diplomatic arrangements with Iran?


But don't we give Israel billions of dollars?

They spend most of those billions on buying Iron Dome shit from us.

So basically we're giving them hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing and we're subsidizing our military with a couple billion more than they should have.


The oil industry will be fine. The nations and states that hinged all their economic growth on fossil fuel extraction? lol Texas and Canada.
Iran has a surplus and is eager to sell. The price has been slowly lowering just on the rumors. Oil barrel can go below 50 and nobody is going to cut down production to not lose market share. Jobs are gonna be lost simple as that.
Gotcha, well I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll find a new job though if you have to, and when you do you'll be spending less to get around 😁


Iran has a surplus and is eager to sell. The price has been slowly lowering just on the rumors. Oil barrel can go below 50 and nobody is going to cut down production to not lose market share. Jobs are gonna be lost simple as that.

I do feel bad for those who may ultimately lose their jobs because of falling oil prices, but surely you can recognise the positives for general consumers at large? In all honesty fuel prices are way too high, even now. Lowered fuel prices mean better mobility for the general populace, for businesses, transportation, global trade, import and export of other goods etc. On the one hand it means less profit and stability for the oil companies, especially for those that are less well established, but on the other hand it benefits everyone else.



The previous three pathways occur at facilities that Iran has declared. But what if they try to build a nuclear program in secret? That’s why this deal is so important. Under the new nuclear deal, Iran has committed to extraordinary and robust monitoring, verification, and inspection. International inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will not only be continuously monitoring every element of Iran’s declared nuclear program, but they will also be verifying that no fissile material is covertly carted off to a secret location to build a bomb. And if IAEA inspectors become aware of a suspicious location, Iran has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which will allow inspectors to access and inspect any site they deem suspicious. Such suspicions can be triggered by holes in the ground that could be uranium mines, intelligence reports, unexplained purchases, or isotope alarms.

Basically, from the minute materials that could be used for a weapon comes out of the ground to the minute it is shipped out of the country, the IAEA will have eyes on it and anywhere Iran could try and take it:

This deal removes the key elements needed to create a bomb and prolongs Iran’s breakout time from 2-3 months to 1 year or more if Iran broke its commitments. Importantly, Iran won’t garner any new sanctions relief until the IAEA confirms that Iran has followed through with its end of the deal. And should Iran violate any aspect of this deal, the U.N., U.S., and E.U. can snap the sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy back into place.
I do feel bad for those who may ultimately lose their jobs because of falling oil prices, but surely you can recognise the positives for general consumers at large? In all honesty fuel prices are way too high, even now. Lowered fuel prices mean better mobility for the general populace, for businesses, transportation, global trade, import and export of other goods etc. On the one hand it means less profit and stability for the oil companies, especially for those that are less well established, but on the other hand it benefits everyone else.
Maybe later I might see some positives but right now my concern is my livelihood and my source of income so forgive me for seeing this as a negative. I might come around eventually.
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