3 or 4% national growth? Lol, good luck with that! We haven't had that high of percentage growth in decades.
This dude is the son of a Goldman banker, was the President or something of the Skull and Bones society at Yale, was at Goldman himself, and is involved with Clinton and Soros money. I wonder how Trump supporters feel about him.
Corporate tax rate should be 50 to 70% and its going to 15%. Public services are so screwed in this country for decades to come.
Corporate tax rate should be 50 to 70% and its going to 15%. Public services are so screwed in this country for decades to come.
Corporate tax rate should be 50 to 70% and its going to 15%. Public services are so screwed in this country for decades to come.
Corporate tax rate should be 50 to 70% and its going to 15%. Public services are so screwed in this country for decades to come.
Of all the dumb stuff Trump will do, this is some of the least dumb.
Economists agree!
Number crunchers from both sides of the political spectrum came up with a list of no-brainer economic reforms. Even the crunchiest granola smelling hippy economists thinks the corporate income tax needs to go away.
The trade stuff is not going to work but hey.
edit: At 13:00 if you are going to listen.
edit: I was late with this!
3 or 4% national growth? Lol, good luck with that! We haven't had that high of percentage growth in decades.
I hope to god you are way too young and naive to understand how dumb this statement is.
Why would anyone bother starting a business when corp taxes are 50-70%. I guess you want a socialist utopia where businesses exist solely to fund the government?
Under the current structure, many large businesses are able to reduce their tax rate through a number of different means. They are still getting charged the full rate, they just reduce TI and keep foreign profits overseas. Raising the rate will not bring in taxes, in fact it will push even the smallest businesses to take dramatic steps to hide income.
Corporate tax rate should be 50 to 70% and its going to 15%. Public services are so screwed in this country for decades to come.
I think you're confusing Personal Income with Corporate Income.
A lot of poor Trump supporters barely paid federal income taxes as it is. I am sure small business owners who support Trump think he is a Godsend, though.
Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%. There are other tax havens with even lower rates. What incentive would large companies have to move their profits back to the US and what prevents Ireland from engaging in a form of tax rate competition?Part of lowering the corporate tax rate and adjusting how foreign profits are taxed for US corporations, is to dramatically reduce the incentive for US corporations to just park cash overseas where it is essentially untaxed. By lowering the rate to 15% and giving a one-time tax holiday rate of 10%, US companies should be willing to repatriate the cash. For example, Apple has $230B in cash held overseas and they don't want to repatriate it because they get hit with the full tax rate (40%).
Trump is actually proposing a deemed repatriation which means that these companies will be taxed at the new rate on foreign profits declared whether or not they actually repatriate the cash. Thus, just keeping the cash offshore doesn't protect you from the tax.
He believes that by forcing the companies to pay taxes on foreign profits, this will be a quick influx of cash that is just held outside our current tax rules.
Regarding the cost of a worker in China or Mexico, he is proposing tariffs that will raise the cost of these goods to a point that US manufacturing can actually be competitive.
Technically speaking, lowering taxes on corporations is "good" in the sense that taxes on corporations are automatically transferred to prices, but then again the US doesn't have an inflation problem right now so that advantage is somewhat lost, and as long as it is countered by personal income taxes that targets higher earning percentiles. Otherwise fiscal problems AHOY or the gutting of the public sector begins.
Getting rid of the corporate income tax is something economists across the political spectrum actually agree on. They also agree on other unpopular measures like eliminating the mortgage tax deduction.
After listening to the whole segment I've become okay with it if we went to a luxury (consumption) and deterrent tax policy. That's not going to happen under Trump though: more likely you'll see major cuts in non-military programs.
Will we sink the climate or our economy faster?
This reminds me, supply side policies would be deflationary and in an environment where both inflation and interest rates are already very low, is pursuing such policies really a good idea (at least in the medium term)?
That's going to be great for the top 0.1% and will be barely substantial to the top 1% and probably completely unrealized by the other 99%.
I would avise against it. Doing such things in an economy with such little inflation like the US, would be going the way of deflation. And mending a deflation state is hard as fuck. Almost no monetary model in economics has a mend for such a situation. Look at certain EU countries, real interest rates are fucking negative and an inflation rebound is nowhere in sight. This is offseted, if Trump's infrastructure plan is real which would generate an inflation surge if it is payed by emission and not tax breaks.
Stakeholders and executive managements get lion share of the pie and the rest should be grateful to even get bread crumbs.
Whoever thinks this isn't going to be a lopsided gain to people at the top and will actually trickle down for shit, convince me why so.
Mnuchin and Ross said lower tax rates would be offset by reductions in the number of income tax deductions.
Except small business owners don't pay corporate taxes at all, unless they've got really stupid accountants. Almost every business that didn't take on a bunch of outside investors is organized as a pass-through entity (like an LLC or an S-corp), which means all the income passes to the ownership and taxed as personal income.
Corporate taxes apply to (typically much larger) C-corps, and are typically paid before investors can see dividends hit their accounts as profit, which is then taxed as a capital gains.
Guess which taxes the Republicans are going to slash: corporate and cap gains taxes. That's going to be great for the top 0.1% and will be barely substantial to the top 1% and probably completely unrealized by the other 99%.
I hope to god you are way too young and naive to understand how dumb this statement is.
Why would anyone bother starting a business when corp taxes are 50-70%. I guess you want a socialist utopia where businesses exist solely to fund the government?
Under the current structure, many large businesses are able to reduce their tax rate through a number of different means. They are still getting charged the full rate, they just reduce TI and keep foreign profits overseas. Raising the rate will not bring in taxes, in fact it will push even the smallest businesses to take dramatic steps to hide income.
I hope to god you are way too young and naive to understand how dumb this statement is.
Why would anyone bother starting a business when corp taxes are 50-70%. I guess you want a socialist utopia where businesses exist solely to fund the government?
Under the current structure, many large businesses are able to reduce their tax rate through a number of different means. They are still getting charged the full rate, they just reduce TI and keep foreign profits overseas. Raising the rate will not bring in taxes, in fact it will push even the smallest businesses to take dramatic steps to hide income.
Economists have said that eliminating corporate tax would encourage businesses to reinvest the extra money back into itself, but I dont actually think that would happen. CEOs make millions- thousand times more than their workers. All that extra money would go right into their pockets.
A recession is a good thing at this point. Carbon emissions dropped a lot during the Great Recession. A win win.Will we sink the climate or our economy faster?
3-4% Growth? lol With what industry? Coal mining?
It's not like there is a budding green energy sector than the the US could lead in innovation with the potential to grow the economy significantly....
One might say, the wealth will just trickle right on down."We think by cutting corporate taxes well create huge economic growth and well have huge personal income," Mnuchin said in the interview.
So basically their target is Obama's last seven years ?as they seek to achieve 3 percent to 4 percent economic growth
Will we sink the climate or our economy faster?
I think I would have to sell my house if they cut the mortgage tax deduction. I am not upper middle class
I think I would have to sell my house if they cut the mortgage tax deduction. I am not upper middle class
I agree with simplifying the tax code. Not even outraged at the drop in 35% to 15%. We need to make it easier for small businesses to exist without legions of accountants and lawyers to game to the tax code. Mortgage interest deduction just favors the upper middle class with expensive homes right now.
However, for whatever reason I don't trust these guys to make decisions that will help the majority of Americans in the long run.
Easy solution: simple progressive taxation on businesses with no loop holes. Make the lower income brackets where most small and medium businesses reside a manageable set of tax rates, while huge multinational corporations have to pay the higher rate. If multinationals incorporated and/or sellng in the US try to hide money offshore, their assets are seized. No more fucking around.
SavageBy now they should just remove corporate and companies taxes and increase individuals taxes. Those white hard working Trump supporters wanted to make America Great Again, now it is their chance with their taxes.
The taxation stuff seems fairly sensible, mortgage interest deductions need to be killed (though obviously with care to avoid too much of a shock to the housing market such deductions have distorted), and America's corporate tax rate has been too high for ages. That said, I anticipate no drastic acceleration of growth, and if the reforms are executed poorly, it will result in a large increase in government deficits. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt however.
The trade stuff remains worrying though, trade wars are no joke.
Maybe instead of this nonsense, America should stop trying to tax income generated abroad just because the corporation in question just happens to be incorporated in the US.
I said what they owe domestically.