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Trump treasury pick lied in confirmation hearing

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according to:


His bank robo-signed foreclosures, one woman, listed as an employee, signed 750 a week, shortening her name to go faster. In confirmation hearings he provided a written response to the question:
"Onewest bank did not Robo-sign documents"

His bank also had a shitty record on ARM mortgages and many loans went bust quickly after writing them, a signal standards were low. The Feds ended up owning a bunch of places as they underwrite the loans.

His written support comes from bankers who want him in to repeal Dodd/frank act.

(Robo-signing indicates foreclosure documents have not been read properly, meaning mistakes are made: the current owner of the mortgage may not be documented, the house may be lived in but listed vacant, a reneg on the mortgage loan may have not been offered. Etc, it can indicate abuse of the legal process).

Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform, released a statement supporting Mnuchin's nomination, in part because of his stated intention to roll back some of the Dodd-Frank legislation:

This isn't a picture of the guy

I think he is the same guy who forgot to mention all his cayman island trusts and an extra 10m in assets. Because "the disclosure form is complex".
Everything thing Trump does is basically wrong. At this point you realize that he's shitty, and that's his natural way.

There's distraction, but he's also just good ol' fashioned garbage and has been his entire life.


Stop ascribing intelligence to moronic chaos. Firing your attorney general, and causing an international incident is not a fucking distraction it's omnishambles.
The USA will crash like many of Trumps enterprises, until then people will try to rationalize all of this dumb shit as a gigantic web of cover-ups for even more bigger (read: dumber) plans wich in turn are supposed to be yet another cover up for more sinister shit and so on.
The only plan this administration has is to wreck everything resembling a state and remove dissenting voices from the government, turning the country into a Corporation, a Trump-led corpo that will fail as they usually do. And they aren't hiding it at all.
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