So Callie won the popular vote, huh?
Nah it's more of the popular choice was the worst team to choose before they changed the way the scoring system worked...and Marie almost always having the popular choice. Ahh memories of Pirates vs Ninjas.
So Callie won the popular vote, huh?
What the fuck is this Marie and Trump comparison?
Pre Order cancelled.So Marie>Callie is canon now? Based Splatoon devs.
Callie fans stay losing, Marie got a doll of herself.
What the fuck is this Marie and Trump comparison?
Callie fans and their alternative facts.
As much as I'm hyped for Callie and Marie to return, I REALLY hope there's a duo of Octolings as rivals this time. Or just more stars of that universe that actually make an appearance.
Basically I just want something like this:
Callie will have her revenge! Just you wait...
I do like the idea of Octoling idols,
though. They could make for a neat rival group.
If you're in North America I'm impressed at you dedication since they only sell them together here.
Now callie can properly evolve
lol this is amazing
I want to hear tide goes out
You can, it was Marie's solo song from the amiibo:
Wonder how long this will go. Like having a prerelease lead-up lore to read.
The curse of any pop group.
The solo act.
Iove how they are handling this
But I need to know more about the single player campaign
Prima Games said:Complete Walkthrough: Fully detailed single-player walkthrough to help you solve every puzzle, splat every enemy, and conquer every boss.
You hear that
Marie is full of herself
You hear that
Marie is full of herself