If you think so what more can I say? The people who paid for gamepass could be given early access without a problem but it's you who is trying to spin a money making scheme of paying for a week early release as "having options"
People who pay for game pass get the game on release date as promised. Do you want them to send free consoles to everyone who subscribed as well ? what an odd thing to feign outrage over them doing exactly what is promised.
Because you don't understand the difference between a user choice to partake in a money making scheme and a "good to have option".
Getting early access to the game along with the kind of content that is usually in almost all modern games' Deluxe editions (skins, OST, artbook) and the first story expansion now, or doing that later after the release at the players discretion *is* a good to have option. If it is a money making scheme and some people are smart enough to recognize that unlike others, they don't have to partake.
It is literally as simple as that.
And I want to say you are smart enough to see the analogy but choose to ignore it. Early access to CoD content isn't designed as a "good to have option" for those who happen to own a PS and xbox/PC. It's to influence spending much like this is. Much like this is not giving early access to those on gamepass so that they pay extra to play 5 days earlier. Keep trying to shill that money making scheme as a "good thing and options" though.
Again, a disingenuous comparison. The CoD content is withheld from 2 of the 3 platforms entirely with no option for them to get it even if they don't want to, there's no good to have option, or any option, there at all. And again you're reducing it just to the early access, which is just one of the many things that come with the premium bundle.
And now I see a couple of posters have also started injecting console war BS into this. It doesn't matter who does it, if anyone doesn't want to pay for the earlier access and added content, they don't have any obligation to. But you keep trying to paint it like people are somehow being falsely led into a "money making scheme" as you keep trying to paint it.
If you've cracked the code and firmly believe it's a money making scheme, don't give them your money.
End of story.