I am still not sure if I should go Vega 56 or 2060 for 1440p (budget) gaming now that Nvidia supports Freesync and Navi is at least half a year away. I would wait but I want to buy a new card in the next one or two months.
Here you go....
You don't even need to buy a Vega 56, which performs admirably, buy a Vega 64....It's $400 and you get three games with it, unreleased....(Division 2, DMC5, Re2)....Vega will outperform the NV cards in these games by a fair bit.....Not only does the 56 and 64 beat the 2060 here, RTX performance in the lone BFV game is appalling, you have to put RTX on low and lower the textures for half the framerate and rez.....Not only does Vega perform better in some DX11 titles, but even in NV sponsored titles too......
Yet I always tell folk, don't just look at the average framerate...In other videos I've linked elsewhere it clearly shows that you get much smoother gaming performance on Vega than any RTX card or equivalent, the graphs are just smoother on Radeon.....Besides, that 6GB is not going to do you any favors for lots of games now and truckload of them this year.....If you want lots of stutter go with the RTX 2060, but I guess the video speaks for itself....