Um, selling over 1 billion copies of games (as of May 2023, almost a year ago) with the lion's share on first party stuff? Why would it matter to shareholders how it was done, whether this or that team made 1, the other 2 and yet another only remasters of WiiU games or vice versa or whatever else, as if they ever play them? They are fickle children oblivious to the business and just care for money and it's good Nintendo CEOs like the late Iwata often shot down their dumb suggestions and demands and requests gleamed in the shareholder meetings to keep the integrity and structure of the company and continue making banger after banger regardless of what they think or what the competition is doing, of course they'd have to change attitude eventually if they were proven wrong/questioned/pressured after constant failures but the results speak for themselves and shut them up.
Common now. No one is talking about sales Of software. They did a wonderful job of software sales. No doubt. Don’t move goalposts.
The reason the stock is down today is because investors are concerned about management’s planning. That is predictable and fair. Look at the situation that Sony and MS find themselves in right now.
It is fair to question Nintendo. I am not a naysayer, but I find it odd that so many people are Nintendo or Sony or MS apologist. Sony margins are razor thin, and MS has yet to turn a profit on Xbox. It is a LOSS, annually.
Guess what Everyone, the console warriors can not keep these gaming companies afloat alone. You need an ever widening audience.
Understand now why they are so concerned? The console warriors average age is late 30’s. Yeah, that is not good. Remember when console gaming was for kids thru High schoolers? What do those kids predominately game on Today? Not consoles.
Console is an ever shrinking or stagnant market. As has shown by recent reports surrounding Xbox.
This is not doom and gloom to say Nintendo needs to go 3rd party. But, future planning is more important that it has ever been. These investors are correct to ask about “the plan” going forward.
It is also fair to question how efficient the software teams are planning, and executing the plan for future releases. This is something we are seeing as a problem at Xbox, Sony, Ubisoft, WB, EA, and Activision. Nintendo with as well as Switch has done, should still face the same questions.
As for Iwata, may he rest in peace. Nintendo has now moved on, and can not live in the past. They can use his principles as a guide, similar to how Apple does with Steve Jobs. Anything more than that is a mistake.