I know nothing of bows, but bowgunning is just as good as going melee when solo, it's a little trickier and is generally not seen as a beginner weapon but it's perfectly viable. Farming shit for ammo can be a tad tedious in the beginning but it really aint so bad.
As for charge-blade versus sword and shield, the latter is an element/status weapon. Meaning, its raw dmg isnt usually very high, but it can have high elemental dmg or status effect. Each SnS is kind of situational in that respect, it'll work great on some monsters and awful on others, depending on its element and the monster's weaknesses. Dunno charge blades all that well, but they typically have more raw dmg, making them a little more straightforward in that sense. SnS gives you more mobility however.
But really, you should just go with what feels fun. Maybe try a few different weapons and see what clicks. All weapons are viable, and all weapons are great fun once they click. If the IG works for you, go for it. I think long swords and dual swords are usually seen as some of the easiest to get into. Hammer isn't bad either. Switch axe is pretty fun and easy going as well. Lances, gunlances and great swords can (initially) feel a bit sluggish in the way they allow you to move.