DS total: 2,023,989 (passes 2 million)
PSP total: 1,139,326
PSP's total is approximately DS's total December 22, 2004.
Nintendo portable total weekly: 61,807
Nintendo total: 65,561
Sony total: 78,028
Week over week percentages (previous in parentheses)
GCN: -17.8% (+36.1%)
GBA: +64.5% (+36.9%)
GBASP: +18.8% (+35.3%)
DS: -22.9% (+148.7%)
PS2: +9.2% (+0.3%)
PSP: -21.2% (-1.4%)
XB: -17.5% (+17.7%)
Year to date
PS2: 686,831
PSP: 657,074
DS: 528,393
GBASP: 230,380
GCN: 78,338
GBA: 7,980
XB: 5,347
Post-PSP launch (estimated)
DS: 1,384,627
PS2: 1,209,089
PSP: 1,139,326
GBASP: 624,707
GCN: 250,065
GBA: 15,908
XB: 7,504
Between DS/PSP
DS weekly share 55.9%, PSP 44.1%
DS yearly share 44.6%, PSP 55.4%
DS total share 64.0%, PSP 36.0%
DS post-PSP launch share 53.4%, PSP 46.6%
Between Nintendo portables/PSP
NP weekly share 64.6%, PSP 35.4%
NP yearly share 53.9%, PSP 46.1%
NP post-PSP launch share 64.0%, PSP 36.0%
If every week was a clone of this week, DS and PSP would meet up May 24, 2003 (not long after PSP's announcement) at -2,153,015 units apiece. If DS stopped selling but PSP continued selling at this rate every week, it would catch up October 2, 2005.
Graphically since DS launch (horizontal lines removed to more easily see the individual system lines)
And the changing DS-PSP difference