What part of the country are you from. Sounds like it will continue to be warm across the country.We had near freezing temps yesterday, today it's in the low 70's (F). When I was a kid there was no way the temperature would have been above 40F until at least late February.
Thank God.Sounds like it will continue to be warm across the country.
What part of the country are you from. Sounds like it will continue to be warm across the country.
Keep an eye on the weather. GA & AL have been getting hammered with tornadoes the past few months.From Southeast US, back in this region for the time being.
I remember walking to school this time of year as a kid, it was strictly big coats, beanies, gloves, etc. Now people are walking around in shorts and skirts.
Today hit about -20C here. No snow though. It was actually sunny.
Also was super windy too. So that -20C was probably felt more like -25-30C. I didnt go outside but opened the door a few times and even that was gusts of super cold air.That's a 52 degree difference from where I am!
A weird 24H blast of cold air as the next week it warms up, with late next week being above 0. With the rain expected half of the snow will probably be gone in a week.Yep. Just brutal. I’m hibernating until Sunday.
Hmm I will put this in the cons column while I try to convince my wife to move there. I was thinking of coming out this summer with her and the kids to give it a bit of a test run. The sky at night looks freakin amazing.Haha! Yea, that's not entirely uncommon in Wyoming during the winter and I contend it's a massive reason why it's the least populated state in the US. Winds during the winter in Wyoming can easily get between 50 and 80 mph on nasty days and you WILL see semis flipped over on the highways.
Wow! I am a boob guy but that butt on the right...just wow...
it was in the 80s here yesterday.We got ourselves a nice dusting of snow over the past day. Those are freedom units for those countries that haven't been to the moon--just shy of a meter. This was the worst of it. The rest was between 12-24 inches. Lots of big drifts piled up around the yard.
I like the snow and cold up here. Keeps the riff raff out.it was in the 80s here yesterday.
From Southeast US, back in this region for the time being.
I remember walking to school this time of year as a kid, it was strictly big coats, beanies, gloves, etc. Now people are walking around in shorts and skirts.
63 degrees f right now I’m seeing people run outside with shorts and a shirt kinda weird weather for the middle of winter
Metric = Ubisoft gamesWe hit 41C just the other day, that's 106F for you imperialists.
Those are freedom units for those countries that haven't been to the moon--just shy of a meter.
omg this fucking killed meWe hit 41C just the other day, that's 106F for you imperialists.
The English throw shade at the arbitrary nature of the Imperial system. Then when they think Americans aren't looking, turn around and measure their body weight in "stones".
Bunch of tea-taxing hypocrites if you ask me.
Or how fast you go.And when you ask Aussies or Brits how tall they are...6 foot. (not 183cm)
Lots of tornados on the ground today. That stream above is great coverage. National radar here:Tornado went through Mississippi a few days ago ... Where my dad, aunt and cousins are. I JUST found them (in 2020) and I thank God they're all ok!
The actual odds of getting hit are not that high. Most tornadoes occur in the countryside and most are relatively small.Honest question, whats the point of living in the tornado belt if theres a good chance you could lose everything in a moments notice