Funky Papa
And it's not like we know if Iran wanted to procure itself nuclear weapons (which would have scalated the situation rather dangerously for all the parties involved) or just the technology to quickly produce them if it came to it, which would have provided some disuasory power without the same degree of scalation.
As a matter of fact, we don't really have any updated information about Iran's nuclear programme, and given its international standing, prior this deal it was in Iran's best interests to obfuscate it as much as it could. Because some people claim that Iran is not to be trusted, but what in the name of Christ has been done by America in order to position itself as trustworhty from Iran's perspective? Absolutely nothing.
The crux of the matter is that nobody trusts each other in full, which is why there's a rigid regime of inspections and checks in order to see if Iran is complying or not.
America and its allies need to come to terms with the fact that a strong and independent Iran (precisely what the sanctions are trying to impede) is good for the entire world. Right now Iran is the only major power fighting ISIS with boots on the ground. Iran needs to remains stable so it cannot fall prey to it.
But by all means, let's try to continue enacting sanctions in hopes to break another Middle Eastern country from the inside, this time one with a capable military. Because what could ever come wrong.
As a matter of fact, we don't really have any updated information about Iran's nuclear programme, and given its international standing, prior this deal it was in Iran's best interests to obfuscate it as much as it could. Because some people claim that Iran is not to be trusted, but what in the name of Christ has been done by America in order to position itself as trustworhty from Iran's perspective? Absolutely nothing.
The crux of the matter is that nobody trusts each other in full, which is why there's a rigid regime of inspections and checks in order to see if Iran is complying or not.
America and its allies need to come to terms with the fact that a strong and independent Iran (precisely what the sanctions are trying to impede) is good for the entire world. Right now Iran is the only major power fighting ISIS with boots on the ground. Iran needs to remains stable so it cannot fall prey to it.
But by all means, let's try to continue enacting sanctions in hopes to break another Middle Eastern country from the inside, this time one with a capable military. Because what could ever come wrong.