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Dragon Age: Veilguard Announced | Full reveal on June 11th

Been waiting for this since I've finished Inquisition. Fingers crossed that EA didn't screw anything up.
It's time to shine Bioware

Cfd GIF by ION


I dont have any hope for this. First dragon age was excelent. 2nd was shit, and inquisition was so boring, i couldnt even play for more than 10 hours or so.


Tbh reading that IGN article gives me even less hope. This game was definitely in dev hell, went through several iterations, once was a multiplayer gaas game too. To salvage all the good parts and make a good game out of it, it takes a really talented and focused dev team and im not sure current Bioware is capable of doing such a thing

Yeah, all of that sounds concerning for sure. I was surprised to read it was at one point GaaS. Ever since its announcement I thought it was fully SP. Guess not. You'd think after Anthem they had learned.

Do you have a link to the article?
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Gold Member
I always wanted to play Inquisition to get started on those games, is it a "story sequel" to 1 and 2? I don't want to play those because that's not an art style I enjoy too much and those graphics look ugly to me, but Inquisition hell yes, I like its art style
There’s no way that the dialogue and characters in this game aren’t going to be insufferable. Hopefully the gameplay is on point though.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
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How the heck are Bioware Edmonton (the original) still around is what I can't figure out, EA usually kills studios that reach this point.

The last good new game they made was Dragon Age Inquisition in 2014.

This new DA game has to be their last chance.


I respect the game director for the massive weight loss (looks like 30lbs plus). Hopefully such dedication will be evident in the game as well.

If the director chooses to make a game for gamers, and not for activists, this could be a better game than Andromeda.

Or it could be the final nail in the coffin for the once great studio,

Good luck!
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Damn. You dudes are miserable. They showed a title and logo and you’re already shitting on the game. At least wait for some gameplay before you start.
I agree, but this is what they are asking for when the company makes an announcement of an announcement. They couldn't wait a goddamn week to just make the actual announcement?
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They should call it John Madden's Dragon Age
Edit: And the game is about John Madden getting isekai'd into Thedas, where he goes on a quest to form the best football team to challenge Solas.
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Gold Member
I respect the game director for the massive weight loss (looks like 30lbs plus). Hopefully such dedication will be evident in the game as well.

If the director chooses to make a game for gamers, and not for activists, this could be a better game than Andromeda.

Or it could be the final nail in the coffin for the once great studio,

Good luck!
wtf weight loss.


I really hate the name. I also hate how games are revealed these days. They give us nothing and we discuss for pages.


Writes a lot, says very little
Dreadwolf was a better name.

I agree

I thought that was its name, was its a code name or something before reveal?
This forum will be super triggered if this game ends up good. Looking forward to it!

This tells me Solas is gonna be just a minor villain in this. Possibly a Loki to the party. Expected as it took them 10 godamn years to continue the story from Inquisition.

Likely, I love minor villain or side ones and then like a major one is revealed mid game lol FF loves doing that shit. But I'm a sucker for it every time lol


Really hope this is a return to form for Bioware. Looking forward to the reveal.
It is not. Past the first game the IP is just boring. It’s a generic fantasy world past DA:O, that’s the only game that was unique. Both DA2 and DA:I had also terrible design choices.


Loved inquisition so really want it to be good, but nowadays we all know how western games tend to be, so very cautios and will do my best to contain the hype/not pre-order, ofc will watch trailers/previews/reviews and hope for the best :p


I certainly don't envy Bioware right now. No only are they guilty until proven innocent after their last two disasters, Baldur's Gate 3 did Bioware's formula better than anything Bioware's been capable of since the original Dragon Age Origins. Baldur's Gate 3 was so God damn good that even it being stuffed to the gills with things typically derided as "woke" wasn't enough to stop it from being universally loved and hailed as one of the best games of all time. Modern Bioware just isn't at that level.

On topic, "Veilguard" is about as generic as fantasy names get, whereas Dreadwolf had some fucking personality. That change has been me concerned that Bioware's pushing Dragon Age further into "mass appeal" territory in an attempt to generate enough success to wipe away the huge losses from Anthem and Andromeda. Bring on the reveal, I guess.
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