New Resources:
Article: On Not Wanting to Live but Not Wanting to Die
Video: Science & God Q&A with Dr. Sy Garte
Video: Sam Harris Said WHAT About Heaven?? (Christian Response)
Video: The State of Religious Freedom
Video: The 2 men who invented the science vs faith conflict - Tim O'Neill, Dave Hutchings & James Ungureanu
Video: Dallas Willard - The Beatitudes and the Kingdom in the Book of Acts
Video: So, You Just Became a Christian?
Audio: MIDDLE EAST: Training Believers to Reach Their Own People
Article: On Not Wanting to Live but Not Wanting to Die
"During my recent depression, I never contemplated suicide. I have three beautiful children who are worth more to me than anything in this world. Thus, I never wanted to die. Yet, although I didn’t want to die, I also didn’t want to be awake."
Video: Science & God Q&A with Dr. Sy Garte
In this live Q&A, Dr. Sy Garte answers YOUR questions on God and science.
Video: Sam Harris Said WHAT About Heaven?? (Christian Response)
Sam Harris recently said on the @Triggernometry YouTube channel that if Heaven is real, why can't we see it with our telescopes? In this video, I'm joined by PhD candidate Cruz Davis who will analyze Sam Harris' comments from a Christian philosophical perspective.
Video: The State of Religious Freedom
On Friday, August 26, The Trinity Forum sat down for an Online Conversation with Center for Public Justice's Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance founder and director Stanley Carlson-Thies and scholar and legal advocate Kristina Arriaga to explore the meaning and implications of religious freedom in the U.S. With decades of legal and academic experience defending the principles of religious freedom, Stanley and Kristina discussed the problems currently facing religious liberty while providing insight on how to navigate the coming decades.
Video: The 2 men who invented the science vs faith conflict - Tim O'Neill, Dave Hutchings & James Ungureanu
In the 19th Century John Draper and Andrew White conjured up one of the most successful and enduring myths of the modern world - the supposed historical conflict between science and faith. Justin explores their story with David Hutchings and James Ungureanu, authors of 'Of Popes and Unicorns: Science, Christianity and how the conflict thesis fooled the world'. They are also joined by Tim O'Neill of the 'History For Atheists' website, a non-believer who has established a reputation for critiquing his own side when they get things wrong.
Video: Dallas Willard - The Beatitudes and the Kingdom in the Book of Acts
In 1993 Dallas began teaching an intensive two-week residential course for Fuller Theological Seminary's Doctor of Ministry program. His task was to teach about spiritual life in a systematic way so that its full connection to the work of the minister was clear. These sessions from 2012 are from Dallas's last year of teaching the course before he died. Though a bulk of the course was usually centered on the nature and practice of disciplines, the beginning of the course dealt with more theological themes like the nature of spiritual reality and the end of the course dealt with topics in spirituality like vocational issues.
Video: So, You Just Became a Christian?
So you’ve just become a Christian! Congratulations! The moment you responded to Christ a number of things happened to you... First, you were given new life. You began a relationship with God that will last forever. Second, you gained a new status before God. You went from being under God's just condemnation ... to being fully pardoned of all your sins. Third, you were adopted into a new family as a child of God. You now belong to a huge and incredibly diverse global family. Fourth, you were given a new job. You now represent Christ with your words and actions to everyone you meet. God wants to grow his family through you! Fifth, you also have new enemies, so expect trouble. This world will pressure you to conform ... your old nature will betray you ... and the forces of darkness will oppose you.
Audio: MIDDLE EAST: Training Believers to Reach Their Own People
Muslims in the Middle East are hungry for the gospel! Jerry and Stacy, founders of , say they sometimes repeat the gospel message even after the person they’re witnessing to says they’re ready to accept Christ—just to be sure they understand the decision and the risk of persecution they face. Last week, in the of our conversation with Jerry and Stacy, they shared how God drew them out of the American suburbs to minister in Africa, then called them to Iraq just as the ISIS caliphate was born. This week we’ll hear stories of how God is changing lives in Iraq, Iran, Syria and among Kurds throughout the region. Jerry and Stacy are working to see healthy house churches multiplying along what they call “The Highway of Holiness,” where 35 million Muslims are still unreached by the gospel. Training local believers is 90% of their effort, using simple tools and practical, easy-to-learn ways to study the Bible and share God’s love. What powers disciple-making movements, they say, is prayer and fasting. Listen as Jerry and Stacy share amazing ways God’s truth has spread from one individual to larger groups of believers and how He is using miracles to show His power and grow His church. You’ll also hear about a sister in Christ who has become known as “The Magic Prayer” in the prison where she is incarcerated for her ministry work—because other prisoners have seen that her prayers actually get answered. Jerry and Stacy will also equip you to pray for persecuted Christians, gospel workers and believers throughout the Middle East.
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