Who's going to pay $500 for a VR headset that may or may not work flawlessly with PC VR games?
When I say compatiable with PC I mean work "
flawlessly", and we have been and still are paying well above 500 for VR on pc.
Granted Quest 2 which hold over half the steam connected VR headsets is just under 500 for the 128GB(The 256gb is 500NOK(50usd) away from being priced as the PSVR2 here in Norway)
The problem ultimately is that this just isn't a mass market priced product.
Its a niche product and will be so for many many years; you dont grow a market the size of videogames over night, and the product is well above its weightclass in terms of the specs it has.
Sony could've taken a hit on the price, but no company is going too bleed THAT MUCH money for niche product's in this days.
I would've loved for them too push it at a lower price, but not at the cost of sacrificing the current specs...
If you intend to play PCVR then you'd be in deeper, if you only wanted standalone Quest 2 then sure... 299-499 but you get what you are paying for when running standalone.
You'd be better of waiting for Valve's next headset roumered too be standalone and BC with PC/Steam(Obviously if they go standalone) VR games(But again... it will not be cheap 299-499... we are talking 999+ for the fully standalone version)
novel niche games that they may or may not spend more than 5 hrs playing.
Well this is just what if's and I dont know about anyone that pork over 50-60usd's for MAYBE games they dont like / spend 5 hrs playing; and thoose that do obviously have money too throw away...
It's different for PC based VR when you have cheaper headsets and cheaper games/experiences, some of which are free. The financial investment for the consumer makes much more sense.
Yes on PC you have BC for your ever growing VR library and option too use cheaper headsets such as the Quest 2, but it is also many years old now and older specs in most of the departments, you want a better VR experience? You'll better off with higher priced headsets. Which the PSVR2 COULD'VE been if it was Compatible with PC and worked "
flawlessly" and a good reason for people too go out and spend 550 on a propper VR headsett to play cheaper games/experiences and thus
Increasing the sales of PSVR2.
Want cheap VR experiences?
Should've bought the Quest 2 3 years ago when it was 299 and used a fake facebook account.
Loads of free games on the side, but daaamn these standalone titles are showing their age and they are still coming.