You’re probably right, but I don’t really think the devs care much about NeoGaf specifically.
And even so, if you had a poll here asking if they’d rather get more awesomely choreographed fights/greater enemy variety/etc. Vs. “a nice looking pony tail”, I’m fairly sure pony tail would lose.
I think graphics complaints go beyond neogaf we've seen the recent complaints about rebirth and ronin etc on reddit and twitter. I think there a vocal minority but they can certainly make alot of noise
I think some devs really feel the pressure to keep pushing graphics like Sony first party studios, Rockstar, and CD Project.
Fortunately we've had games sell millions despite not being at the Cutting edge like Elden ring.
I personally don't mind some devs pushing graphics. It gets silly when we start judging all games by Rockstar standards though.