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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Watch the US and UK wait and negotiate. Whilst other countries say WTF?!.

Will happen, any major push is officially WW3. Europe was already fucked economically.

Who pays for a war? America said nope already and they sure ain't gonna fund it.

That's what I guess will happen. Minus the Nazis, simply the idea,


Damn the western world has been brainwashed.

Russia is going to secure them two separatist regions only.
Russia will not have Ukraine in NATO at all costs - The West need to understand this, the same way U.S won't have Russia playing on Cuba.

The stupidity of the west knows no bounds, just flat out say we are not looking for Ukraine to join NATO. Its that simple.
The west and the EU instead pushing right up to Russia's border.

You just showed your ignorance. The reason Putin states and the actual reason are always two different things. He wants to reassemble the territories of the former Soviet Union. Your ignorance AND stupidity know no bounds.

Secure the two separatist regions only you say as they are currently lighting up areas of Kyiv. Pro tip, Putin wouldn't do that if the exclusive focus on the outlying territories.

Quit while you are behind. Way behind.
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Where does Ukraine stand in terms of military might? Are they well equipped to fend off this invasion?

If they take a defensive posture, they will only last a handful of days to a week. If they go on the offensive and fight as a cohesive force, they can go 2 to 3 weeks and hand Putin a lot of Russian casualties, but Ukraine will obviously ultimately lose.
I’m wondering how precise the strikes are. Hopefully civilian causalities are minimal. It’s hard to get a sense of this right now. The longer term question is can Putin even control Ukraine without draconian enforcement?


I don’t think they have the balls to do anything more than wag their fingers at him.

”Please stop”

Jesus Christ that's the best they could put out as a statement? She looks like she hates her life and wants to go back to bed. Can barely keep her eyes open, I busted up laughing at the noise of the angry page turn.

A TLDR for anyone that can't watch.

America Rep: Please stop and go home Russia.

Then again I only lasted 4 mins, maybe she said something better after. I was tired enough but was a mixture or yawning and laughing at how tone deaf the statement was.
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And regardless of that, Putin isn't really concerned with any repercussions.
That's a good point. He doesn't feel any responsibility for the wellness of the people under his governance, the repercussions don't matter. Even the guilt of doing this to other human beings over ideology, not a real existential threat. If Russians in Russia tried to change the Vova government through even the most peaceful means they'd get the treatment he's showing Ukraine.


Because he knows he’s dealing with people who don’t have the spine to do anything.

Militarily, no. Economically? Different story. Putin's hubris relies on the backing of some very rich and influential Russians. If the west actually fucks with them in a big way, this will come to a very quick end.


I can see how you can read it that way, but my point is that Putin really has little to fear from this. There'll be little, if any, repercussions for them.
There will be massive economic penalties for Russia for a long time, and the surge of anti-Putin protesters will explode within Russia, there is already a lot of people who want him gone.

Whatever happens militarily depends on how things unfold in Ukraine, if large death tolls start to emerge, there might be a reaction. Putin has always been a lot worse than people played him out to be, and now it's all for everyone to see.


Jesus Christ that's the best they could put out as a statement? She looks like she hates her life and wants to go back to bed. Can barely keep her eyes open, I busted up laughing at the noise of the angry page turn.

A TLDR for anyone that can't watch.

America Rep: Please stop and go home Russia.

Then again I only lasted 4 mins, maybe she said something better after. I was tired enough but was a mixture or yawning and laughing at who tone deaf the statement was.
Yeah the response is milquetoast as fuck but you understand that if they roll into Ukraine that this conflict could balloon into something much much worse


What can we do though? if we attack Russia it WW3

And if NATO engages in this matter (they won't), that will be a perfect time for Xi Jinping to make his move on Taiwan.

It drives me crazy that we have people all over the world that post here and many other forums on a variety of subject matter and by and large, we all get along fine due to common interests. And then we have...the fucking governments and politicians who's an entirely different story.
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Because he knows he’s dealing with people who don’t have the spine to do anything.
We know you want the west to attack Russia. Stop thinking about his. It will not happen. It's not because they are spineless, it's because they have no obligations to do it as they are not part of nato. How many times have we said this in this topic ?
So you just let him take over Europe? MSNBC was just floating that. Speculating that if he’s allowed to take Ukraine it’ll embolden him and he’ll just keep going.
Basically yes he can take over any country that is not apart of Nato we cannot stop him without risking World War 3 that is why everyone is so afraid here is a map of Nato by the way he won't dare to take over any of the blue Country that is Nato the rest is fair game to him im afraid

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