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Rio Olympics : Egyptian Judoka Refuses to Shake Hands With Israeli

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Poor sportsmanship but I'm ok with it. He's under a lot of social pressure back at home. Egyptians have a, let's just say, less than favorable opinion of Israel - even if the governments play nice.
How rude and unsportsmanlike. Why bother going to the olympics if you are going to act like a douche. The games are to bring people together and have a good time.
My girlfriend par takes in judo and the respect to the opponent is core to the sport. Judo is all about a controlled exertion of energy and if you can't control your emotions then, well, you fucking suck at judo.


Would have been an opportunity to show that humans can rise above the nasty shit between governments and show that maybe peace is possible between people.

Or you can be a complete petty, nasty asshole.

Just to play devil's advocate, what if he was fearing for his own safety back home after people seeing him shaking Israeli's hand after losing?

I wouldn't make excuses for him. I'm sure he's going to be a hero in his country for this. Hell, Iran pays their athletes to snub Israel. Shit like this should get them all disqualified. It's not the place for it.
Yeah. It's obviously gross but the dude might have legitimate security concerns back home. Especially frustrating since Egypt still has a treaty with Israel.

Israeli athletes are used to this kinda stuff, sadly. At the Olympics it's usually some no-name Iranian boxer who pulls out of a match.

The question is,did he not shake hands because of fear, or because he legit doesnt like the guy for being israeli

It's really shitty that his countrymen could hate him for it


Exactly. Now imagine the vitriol if he respectfully bowed and greeted his opponent at the end.

Then he shouldn't have gone to the Olympics. He wanted the glory but didn't want the responsibility of adhering to the rules and customs of the sport. You don't get to pick and choose like that.


Christian Arabs and even some Jews of Arab descent feel the same way as well. It's not just a Muslim thing.

People never get educated on the grievances against Jews of Arab descent in Israel and don't see it as a race thing. It definitely is and Israel/Zionism is a white-washing of the region.

It makes discussing Israel so difficult. Zionism is ethnocentric and very much rooted in European nationalism and colonialism, things that are very easy to criticize and question. But when I discuss Israel with people they almost always want to reduce to discussion to either religion or the Holocaust. It's very frustrating.


Didn't you know? Olympics games are now about flexing nationalism egos and winning medals. All other things are secondary.
Well... duh? That was always a big part of the Olympics and the appeal to them but you would expect that the athletes are above that mess during the competitions itself and if you are not then don't even bother to go like that Syrian boxer.

...if you fear for your life? What?
Does he really? I think is more a severe case of being pressed that he lost. Poor him.


A judo federation spokesman said in an email to The Associated Press that a bow was mandatory, but that shaking hands was not. He said El Shehaby’s “attitude will be reviewed after the games to see if any further action should be taken."
Can they even do anything, considering this?
Well... duh? That was always a big part of the Olympics and the appeal to them but you would expect that the athletes are above that mess during the competitions itself and if you are not then don't even bother to go like that Syrian boxer.
....He could've feared the repercussion back home from radicals if they saw him shook his hands with a person who is from a country that they hate the most. Who says only people who feel safe from diplomatic fallout are allowed to participate in the Olympics?

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk

Although this does make you wonder whether the North Korean girl will get in any trouble from the state
The treatment of Israeli-Palestinians isn't as bad or far-reaching as the treatment of blacks in Apartheid South Africa was but Israel's violent oppression of the West Bank and Gaza especially is pretty terrible. Plus, Israel itself is definitely a vestige of European colonialism, just like South Africa was. My comparison was mostly based on both states being settler colonies.

Like I said, there are definitely lots of issues with Israeli policy (especially under the current very much right-wing government) but it's nowhere near as bad as Apartheid. Israel is somewhat a vestige of European colonization but unlike South Africa there is an actual historical claim to the land that goes back millennia. The Arabs also have a historical claim to the land from the 8th century onward but you can make an argument that they acquired the land by conquest in the first place (just like the ancient Israelis and Judeans thousands of years ago). And when two sides both have legitimate historical claims, which one do you honor? In this case it was settled by conquest again in the Arab-Israeli War, though certainly either a two-state solution or a federalist dual state would address both sides' claims more justly. In South Africa on the other hand, the Brits and the Dutch legitimately had no claim on the land other than colonial conquest and they instituted insanely racist policies under a national ideology of racial supremacy. That is clearly orders of magnitude worse.


....He could've feared the repercussion back home from radicals if they saw him shook his hands with a person who is from a country that they hate the most. Who says only people who feel safe from diplomatic fallout are allowed to participate in the Olympics?

Your hypothetical fanfic is irrelevant. The fact is that when you participate you're expected to adhere to the rules and customs of the games.


Unconfirmed Member
Saw this on reddit. If the guy is going out of his way to shake your hand, then suck up your pride and be a good sportsman. He could have used the opportunity to be a role model to the idiots on twitter and his country.

Or he could have gotten himself killed by extremists.
Don't compete then?

Again, why even bother participating in the Olympic games then if you fear something like this?

What if they threatened his safety if he didn't compete

Seriously though, telling someone who trains for the olympics to 'not compete' just because they won't respect an opponent due to societal pressures placed by their homeland is....a very ignorant way of looking at things.


Egypt and Israel are not even at war anymore.

If Athletes from two countries legit at war(Koreas) can be friendly then sure this dude could have at least gave the Jewish bro some dap.


What if they threatened his safety if he didn't compete

Seriously though, telling someone who trains for the olympics to 'not compete' just because they won't respect an opponent due to societal pressures placed by their homeland is....a very ignorant way of looking at things.

The homeland itself shouldn't be able to compete if they can't muster a handshake in the name of peace and sportsmanship.


Unconfirmed Member
Like I said, there are definitely lots of issues with Israeli policy (especially under the current very much right-wing government) but it's nowhere near as bad as Apartheid. Israel is somewhat a vestige of European colonization but unlike South Africa there is an actual historical claim to the land that goes back millennia. The Arabs also have a historical claim to the land from the 8th century onward but you can make an argument that they acquired the land by conquest in the first place (just like the ancient Israelis and Judeans thousands of years ago). And when two sides both have legitimate historical claims, which one do you honor? In this case it was settled by conquest again in the Arab-Israeli War, though certainly either a two-state solution or a federalist dual state would address both sides' claims more justly. In South Africa on the other hand, the Brits and the Dutch legitimately had no claim on the land other than colonial conquest and they instituted insanely racist policies under a national ideology of racial supremacy. That is clearly orders of magnitude worse.

And the U.S. has no right to any of the lands of America, yet what do we have.

Isreal has forcefully taken over the majority of Palestine and they won't stop till they take it all over and drive Arabs out.

Yeah because Palestine can really contend with Isreal which is backed by the U.S. and was backed by much of the western world.
Well, don't. Your devil's advocate game adds nothing to the discussion.

If it was legitimately out of curiosity, then it sure does. It lets him ask a question he has no answer for to learn whether the situation is evaluated differently or not. Is everyone learning something new? Probably not, but if one person learns something new then he has a right to ask questions, even if the politics of it make it intimidating to be direct.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just to play devil's advocate, what if he was fearing for his own safety back home after people seeing him shaking Israeli's hand after losing?

Then he should just stay home. If your security is endangered by you shaking hands, it'll probably be endangered if you lose to the person. If you're not able to show respect to your competitors, then you should stay away from the Olympics.
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