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Resetera reflects: This place sucks. We want GAF back.

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Never worried about that. They are too squishy and afraid of the real world, hence they live their lives through virtual control.
That sounds like the OldGaf I knew. Login and solve complex world problems but can't fix their own simple lives

Solves world hunger, can't afford to live on their own.

Dr. Claus

I'm afraid GAF, I'm afraid that these crazies will implode and return here. This forum might be slower moving compared to its peak (but much better compared to last year btw) but holy shit, especially now with the politics subsection this is such a cool, fun and laid back community. This might sound like a ridiculous, even funny standard but not one person tried to witchhunt here for months or look into my post history for evidence of wrongthink. This is how bad things were.

I know you guys like making fun of resetera but it serves an invaluable purpose now, it keeps all the nutjobs committed to that place, you guys might dislike that site but I wholeheartedly support it for that reason. Long live resetera!

I do not see that being an issue. The moderation team currently in place acts fairly and tend to only ban for continued/long-time infractions or constant personal attacks. As we have seen time and again, these types have been removed from the site due to their lack of adult behavior - yet there are also those of us who originally came from Era (due to the opening of normal email applications) and try to have quality discussion/debate.

I like the ideals you're mentioning, but I don't think this forum is there yet. There are still a lot of posters who see everything through the identity politics lens. The recent Star Wars Ep 8 thread was mind blowing for me, but in hindsight not that surprising considering how polarised and crazy things have gotten recently. Even the hate towards Resetera is a symptom of this, since generally speaking this forum tends to lean one way and that one leans the other on the political spectrum. Resetera isn't a "cesspool" - they have a lot of good posters over there. But ultimately, I'm going to have to stand by my original statement - neither forum is perfect, although I do feel much more comfortable posting on NuGAF.

Your post is a little hard to understand, but what I mean is that Resetera is a far more active forum and discussions tend to cover a greater breadth of topics. There was a time where reading GAF frequently obviated the need to have a news feed, but the discussion has become far narrower in scope now. Until the recent splitting of the political threads (which was a great move), it seemed like almost all of the threads in OT on NuGAF had something to do with Trump or the left. Hopefully as the membership recovers and the mods can do their best to keep overtly political discussions out of OT (at least initially), this will change.

I disagree. The hate towards ResetEra has less to do with polarized politics and more to do with the history and actions of its members. As we all know, they were the old community that resided here - one that actively made the site less fun to read and participate in for nearly 5+ years. When they decided to jump ship, the biggest names went out with a childish bang by posting porn, insults, gore, and various other disturbing images. These were grown adults who decided to act in a purely childish manner. This mindset has not changed with the color or the name and the actions are forever stained upon that community.

Are there some quality posters and mods? Of course there are, however they are fewer and far between when you compare them to the main segment that takes the spotlight. Those moderators, their friends and protected "elite" are what people immediately associate the site with. They have pushed for continued witch hunts, attempts at doxing, trying to ban games and blacklist the developers because they have political opinions that do not align with their own.

NeoGaf is first and foremost a community centered around a shared love and interest of Video Games. The actions of the old community went counter to this, instead choosing to denigrate, censor, and openly push toxic movements that made gamers as a whole look worse in the national and international spotlight. It is no wonder that there is very little love for their actions or that community here or on nearly any other Video Game-centered forum.

As for your last point, Era does indeed have a 'wider breadth' of topics, but they also have a very narrow, very shallow set of allowed opinions leading to a complete lack of viable discussion or debate.

Yeah, the mods are too strict there, and it's not as fun as oldgaf. But honestly this place is too far gone in the opposite direction.

No one likes Nazis here. The few that did have been promptly removed by moderation and dogpiled by the community, as they should. I believe you are misconstruing a difference of opinions as "nazism" which is a terrible rabbit hole to delve down into. As for the "political leanings", you would again be incorrect. As can be seen by multiple threads such as the Trump Supporter and Political Compass polls, the majority of active posters are very much liberal in nature.

"How can this be?" I hear you ask. Very simple - in the real world, people have a wide breadth of political opinions that are a mix of various parties. Contrary to popular internet belief, very few are super-hardcore Left/Right leaning. On one hand, we have liberals who openly support gun ownership, are anti-feminist (but are egalitarian), and don't wish death upon Trump. On the other hand, we have republicans who support abortion, are not pro-trump, and wish for more structured/controlled gun ownership. We also have the more commonly associated liberals/republians, but they are fewer in number. This leads to the confusion that you are currently showing as these left leaning posters are debating each other, right leaning posters are debating each other, and each has their own opinion that doesn't follow a specified "accepted" opinion set that you may be used to on other sites.


Unconfirmed Member
in the real world, people have a wide breadth of political opinions that are a mix of various parties. Contrary to popular internet belief, very few are super-hardcore Left/Right leaning. On one hand, we have liberals who openly support gun ownership, are anti-feminist (but are egalitarian), and don't wish death upon Trump. On the other hand, we have republicans who support abortion, are not pro-trump, and wish for more structured/controlled gun ownership. We also have the more commonly associated liberals/republians, but they are fewer in number. This leads to the confusion that you are currently showing as these left leaning posters are debating each other, right leaning posters are debating each other, and each has their own opinion that doesn't follow a specified "accepted" opinion set that you may be used to on other sites.

Absolutely this. People are complex creatures, and will typically carry a mix of opinions about different topics - some of them may even be contradictory - that's what makes us human. Personally I identify with the socialist left in terms of economics, dealing with poverty, etc but I absolutely do not identify with the identity politics brigade. Both are considered left (though I would argue the latter has merely become a parasite on the left, as they are for the LGBTQ community and other protected groups) but I only identify with one of them.


I thought neogaf is now like this according to them



I think I only ever blocked like 5-6 people on this site. At least half of them are now mods over there...


Why anyone thought that moving to a new place where the insane people that messed up this place were in charge was a good idea is beyond me. Have you seen the rank they have called resettlement advisors? That seems like some dystonia movie level shit where it's the people that tattle to keep things in line. Have you taken your joy today?
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And they had another anti-israel jerk off thread that managed to reach 20 pages where every member was dying to compare Israel to Nazi's. They were worse then white people who want to say the N word, it was really killing them that they couldn't call Jews Nazi's.

there was a few posters in the thread who gave a different view (but were still critical of Israel) and of course they get dogpiled and called agents of the IDF and paid propagandist.

Basically if you don't follow the ERA POV then you must be a paid propagandist, its impossible for someone to think on their own and not follow ERA lock and stock LOL
Why anyone thought that moving to a new place where the insane people that messed up this place were in charge was a good idea is beyond me. Have you seen the rank they have called resettlement advisors? That seems like some dystonia movie level shit where it's the people that tattle to keep things in line. Have you taken your joy today?
Based on the posts some of them posted in their return here to get banned... they don't think they were a problem. Their response to criticism when they were here was basically "haters gonna hate".

When Boggie2988 is too far right for you, you have mental problems. I mean this is the same group that thinks Dave Chappelle is hate speech ffs.
WTF are "resettlement advisors"??
Taken out of context, it honestly sounds like something Alex Jones would say FEMA is secretly plotting.

"There are thousands of plastic coffins out in Georgia that FEMA will use to bury us during THE PURGE, and the resettlement advisors will be the ones to do it. Oh, and they're reptilians!"


I do not see that being an issue. The moderation team currently in place acts fairly and tend to only ban for continued/long-time infractions or constant personal attacks. As we have seen time and again, these types have been removed from the site due to their lack of adult behavior - yet there are also those of us who originally came from Era (due to the opening of normal email applications) and try to have quality discussion/debate.

Honestly it's not just the lack of adult behavior or the personal attacks, it's the horrible negativity and constant derailment they infest every discussion they participate in, it's the their obnoxious way of discussing where instead of debating like civilized people they are trying instead to expose your ulterior motives, not real ulterior motives btw but the ones they made up in their minds with their "you're either on our side or a racist sexist neonazi" mentality.

Not only the aforementioned behaviors are hard to moderate but they're also extremely tiring for normal people who can't stand this barrage of general negativity. It all originates in the inherit authoritarianism of that fucked up ideology, authoritarians aren't big on this open discussion and free speech "gimmick" so they try to sabotage it by any means necessary. And since unlike them I am consistent regarding my principles and wouldn't want to censor them despite them wanting to censor me I think it's extremely convenient there's a containment site willing to host their insanity.
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Green Saber

I have been away for many months from forum activity and I can see that Resetera has progressed to exactly what I thought it would, a bunch of blonde bang chubby cheeked punk kids as the Doc would say. Glad to see the grown ups who know how to have a discussion have stayed here, I look forward to joining in more and becoming a full member over the coming months.


Resetera has the same problem old NeoGAF had; arbitrary moderation with no clear standard. And now it's codified into a kind of safe space enforcement where disagreement is really discouraged if not outright forbidden.

I'm pretty squarely on the left side politically, but even I find it difficult to negotiate. I got temp banned there for saying Louis CK can't catch an indecent exposure charge for something that happened in his own hotel room. Which is just an objective fact. It's seriously frustrating.

Of course this place is kind of a mess now too, so yeah.


Gold Member
Resetera has the same problem old NeoGAF had; arbitrary moderation with no clear standard. And now it's codified into a kind of safe space enforcement where disagreement is really discouraged if not outright forbidden.

I'm pretty squarely on the left side politically, but even I find it difficult to negotiate. I got temp banned there for saying Louis CK can't catch an indecent exposure charge for something that happened in his own hotel room. Which is just an objective fact. It's seriously frustrating.

Of course this place is kind of a mess now too, so yeah.

Nah, the mere fact you are able to make this statement and not fear a ban or a warning... should tell you all you need to know about being able to freely express your viewpoints and opinions.
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I don't think we have to worry about them spreading their cancer over here again. I don't think EL and the current staff will ever let that happen again. If they do come back and try and start up, I feel that shit will be shut down quick. We can never let that happen to this board again.

Honestly though, it was obvious what was going to happen when you saw the worst of the worst of GAF leaving to go there in droves. ResetERA is like a little dictatorship. They just make up rules as they go and send you to the gulags. It's the asshole of gaming forums.

Green Saber

Nah, the mere fact you are able to make this statement and not fear a ban or a warning... should tell you all you need to know about being able to freely express your viewpoints and opinions.
Yeah the large amount of posts that get a warning or ban for simply having a different opinion over there is quite absurd.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Yeah, I got banned for having differing views on different threads. Nothing bad but god forbid we have a discussion. I even got a short ban for calling people 'snowflakes'. Really? It was like I was on crazy pills surrounded by hundreds of Stepford Wives!

Green Saber

Yeah, I got banned for having differing views on different threads. Nothing bad but god forbid we have a discussion. I even got a short ban for calling people 'snowflakes'. Really? It was like I was on crazy pills surrounded by hundreds of Stepford Wives!
Makes me glad that I never made an account over there.
Yeah, I got banned for having differing views on different threads. Nothing bad but god forbid we have a discussion. I even got a short ban for calling people 'snowflakes'. Really? It was like I was on crazy pills surrounded by hundreds of Stepford Wives!
Calling someone a snowflake is weather shaming. You are a Nazi.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Makes me glad that I never made an account over there.

I lurked at both sites but I always seemed to have to put my 2 cents in on some posts (which they always saw as offensive---but wasn't). Nutjobs!! (If I said that over there I would have been warned for 'trivializing people with metal challenges!)

Green Saber

I lurked at both sites but I always seemed to have to put my 2 cents in on some posts (which they always saw as offensive---but wasn't). Nutjobs!! (If I said that over there I would have been warned for 'trivializing people with metal challenges!)
Yeah I could not be part of a forum in which I would be walking on egg shells as they say, here we can chat more freely and actually have a discussion.


Gold Member
Yeah I could not be part of a forum in which I would be walking on egg shells as they say, here we can chat more freely and actually have a discussion.

(You have received a ban for trivializing those who suffer from paranoia. History of infractions, duration pending.)
(You have received a ban for trivializing those who suffer from paranoia. History of infractions, duration pending.)
On a more serious note, I find it completely hypocritical that a group like those at ERA will openly call "the other side" not just alt-right, Nazis, bigots, etc. but will go as far to call them "insane", "low IQ", "deeply disturbed" etc.

Which, if you have any empathy toward others and any awareness of mental health, the last thing you should be doing is vilifying them (to use one of their own favorite terms). A person with low IQ and/or mental issues should be given sympathy, compassion, and an outreach to help them see things differently. Growing up, bullies would instruct the retarded kid in class to say nasty phrases and inappropriate slurs. Was it the kid's fault or was it his environment?

I honestly don't think "they" can see that differentiation. If the words are uttered, the person is a racist.


The non insane ones will come back. Gaf was a better forum then (even with the ridiculous bans and mod behaviour), and it's a far better forum now.


Gold Member
On a more serious note, I find it completely hypocritical that a group like those at ERA will openly call "the other side" not just alt-right, Nazis, bigots, etc. but will go as far to call them "insane", "low IQ", "deeply disturbed" etc.

Which, if you have any empathy toward others and any awareness of mental health, the last thing you should be doing is vilifying them (to use one of their own favorite terms). A person with low IQ and/or mental issues should be given sympathy, compassion, and an outreach to help them see things differently. Growing up, bullies would instruct the retarded kid in class to say nasty phrases and inappropriate slurs. Was it the kid's fault or was it his environment?

I honestly don't think "they" can see that differentiation. If the words are uttered, the person is a racist.

They are batshit insane themselves, that is why. It is all a projection from their safe virtual hug-box. They do not and will not act this way in public, since they would be sitting on their ass more often than not.

Green Saber

Just thought I'd also say this place is looking pretty damn good, liking the sections for politics and streams, you can tell I have been away for a while, but glad to be back.
On a more serious note, I find it completely hypocritical that a group like those at ERA will openly call "the other side" not just alt-right, Nazis, bigots, etc. but will go as far to call them "insane", "low IQ", "deeply disturbed" etc.

Which, if you have any empathy toward others and any awareness of mental health, the last thing you should be doing is vilifying them (to use one of their own favorite terms). A person with low IQ and/or mental issues should be given sympathy, compassion, and an outreach to help them see things differently. Growing up, bullies would instruct the retarded kid in class to say nasty phrases and inappropriate slurs. Was it the kid's fault or was it his environment?

I honestly don't think "they" can see that differentiation. If the words are uttered, the person is a racist.
For a group that thinks everything is offensive, calling people who disagree on social or political topics "Nazi" seems hypocritical. Downplaying the holocaust?

I would think someone who was a victim of Nazis or a family member of a victim would be offended.
They are batshit insane themselves, that is why. It is all a projection from their safe virtual hug-box. They do not and will not act this way in public, since they would be sitting on their ass more often than not.
I am not a professional but I have a heartbreaking amount of personal experience with what I'm about to propose, so take it from that (limited) perspective of course:

It's narcissistic personality disorder. There has been a steep rise (or perhaps just a sharp "realization") in the LGBTQ+ community concerning this exact issue over the past decade. Vulnerable people who joined the community in order to find identity and support were instead given a leash and abused by outspoken, prominent members. There has been a rise of "getting rid of the toxic people in your life" among my Left friends over the past several years. People are realizing that within any movement -- even movements aimed at bringing harmony, equality, positive image, etc -- there will be wolves. There will always be wolves.

And unlike other groups who've had to protect themselves against wolves for hundreds of years, the LGBTQ+ community and radical Left-leaning Progressive community are pretty new to this. They have a simplified, naive view of how these things go. It's often why you'll get nothing but blank stares when you mention historical events that mirror their own behavior (many of them are not well-educated people, objectively speaking).

These communities on "the Left" are experiencing what is called "the discard phase" in an abusive narcissistic relationship. Former allies who had a prominent voice (blacks, gays, cis white women) are being shushed in favor of people higher on the identity totem pole. Why? Because their identity isn't "worth" as much to the narcissist who is only doing this to feed on emotional energy.

(and I do want to make the distinction: narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is more than just "a huge ego". It is a non-hereditary mental condition typically brought on by traumatic and sustained childhood abuse. It is characterized by a person who will lie, smile, scream, humiliate, mock, flatter, ignore, and obsess over a person for the sole purpose of extracting their "drama" i.e. get them riled up or make them swoon. It makes no difference to the narcissist if the attention is positive or negative. They just want attention.)
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Gold Member
I am not a professional but I have a heartbreaking amount of personal experience with what I'm about to propose, so take it from that (limited) perspective of course:

It's narcissistic personality disorder. There has been a steep rise (or perhaps just a sharp "realization") in the LGBTQ+ community concerning this exact issue over the past decade. Vulnerable people who joined the community in order to find identity and support were instead given a leash and abused by outspoken, prominent members. There has been a rise of "getting rid of the toxic people in your life" among my Left friends over the past several years. People are realizing that within any movement -- even movements aimed at bringing harmony, equality, positive image, etc -- there will be wolves. There will always be wolves.

And unlike other groups who've had to protect themselves against wolves for hundreds of years, the LGBTQ+ community and radical Left-leaning Progressive community are pretty new to this. They have a simplified, naive view of how these things go. It's often why you'll get nothing but blank stares when you mention historical events that mirror their own behavior (many of them are not well-educated people, objectively speaking).

These communities on "the Left" are experiencing what is called "the discard phase" in an abusive narcissistic relationship. Former allies who had a prominent voice (blacks, gays, cis white women) are being shushed in favor of people higher on the identity totem pole. Why? Because their identity isn't "worth" as much to the narcissist who is only doing this to feed on emotional energy.

(and I do want to make the distinction: narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is more than just "a huge ego". It is a non-hereditary mental condition typically brought on by traumatic and sustained childhood abuse. It is characterized by a person who will lie, smile, scream, humiliate, mock, flatter, ignore, and obsess over a person for the sole purpose of extracting their "drama" i.e. get them riled up or make them swoon. It makes no difference to the narcissist if the attention is positive or negative. They just want attention.)

Very good post and I completely agree.


I mean, Neogaf still exists
If people don't wanna post there they can always post here
Not in the way it did, though. It's a bit of an angry boys club now. The moderation has gotten better but the community itself has suffered some pretty big losses. What good is freedom of speech without the diverse community to go with it?

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
They are batshit insane themselves, that is why. It is all a projection from their safe virtual hug-box. They do not and will not act this way in public, since they would be sitting on their ass more often than not.

I thought it was odd that in the post over there about the whole NiKe /Kaepernick deal (I see both sides and I don't care), which has been a polarizing topic, but EVERY post was pro-Kaepernick and pro-Nike. Not ONE anti-Kaepernick rant. Blew my mind. Very coincidental that all 15 pages of posts are positive on this. Just sayin'
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