There is no denying that Nintendo is in a difficult position.
Howeve they are a rich company so they can make drastic moves like buying developers or slashing price if they see the need.
Nintendo does not have enough cash on hand to "buy developers" or slash price to that degree. They'd go bankrupt trying. Free cash on hand can't solve everything- Blackberry is an excellent example here of a company that was at one point #1 in its market, yet lost incredible amounts of software while flush with cash on hand. They simply bled money into irrelevance.
I wouldnt really give that much credit to whatever a brand is. Nintendo ditched the Gameboy brand for a new brand "DS" and that wasnt a bad decision. Sonys brand playstation was considered something that could never fail but actually it wasnt invincible as well. Sure they should have killed the Wii earlier or supported it for two more years rather than letting it rot like they did (which i think was a bad bad decision) but at the end of the day if the product has the right price and compelling software it will sell.
"brand" is more complex than that. The "gameboy" and "nintendo DS" are platforms- still two different extensions of the same brand.
"playstation" was built by sony into something more than just the PS1 or PS2, it had almost become synonymous with gaming, as the atari and nintendo during the NES era had. Because their brand recognition was so strong (consumers would buy flaming piles of shit as long as it had "playstation" slapped on it) third parties were convinced early on to put a lot of support and titles in development for the PS3.
The Wii never had this advantage- it took everyone by surprise. The WiiU never had it either- by the time the WiiU launched, the Wii as a brand was basically dead, "Nintendo" was viewed as a risk in the console space, and publishers were more cautious.
fully agree with this. They need to have the price level at an level equal to 360 or Ps3 or + 50 $ max.
Even that won't really help that much. The casual market is gone, period. All that's left are the core (who already own PS360s) and the "laggard" market that only buys systems at budget pricing. Neither is invested in the nintendo ecosystem and won't be swayed easily by Donkey Kong, Zelda, Mario, etc. They simply haven't been playing those games. The core already owns a system that can play any third party game the WiiU puts out and will simply buy them for the platforms they already own. The laggard market will look at the vastly superior libraries and online networks of the PS360 and wonder why the WiiU is worth bothering with. On top of that, the PS3 and 360 have been profitable for some time and don't have ridiculously expensive controllers attached. it's just not possible for nintendo to out price drop them. they will ALWAYS be cheaper no matter what ninty does.