It amazes me how people that were in their 20s/30s in the 60s are so clueless about pot. I had lunch with my (step) grandma yesterday. She is in the begining stages of glaucoma. Some of her friends jokingly suggested she go to Cali and smoke it up. She wouldn't believe me that pot has actual, legitimate benefits and medical is legal in 17 states. I went over some of the things is was good for and she insisted that it couldn't be good for you, had to be bad for you, and made you see monsters. I was like..the fuck? So I threw it out that I tried it last year and the only thing it did for me was be acutely aware of how slight my body is. I didn't see monsters, I didn't get "silly", I didn't get the munchies.
She also repeatedly asked me if I got it off "the streets". You know, the mean streets of Central Indiana where people hide in alleys trying to sell pot to kids. The slightest bit of research into pot should put to rest all of the reefer madness nonsense. No matter how many times I said "doctors don't prescribe cigarettes and alcohol to people", she couldn't be convinced that pot was somehow not a hard drug on the level of heroin and meth.
I mean I did it once, waited until my mid 20s, and didn't get much out of it. I don't really have much desire to try it again, but I support legalization for medical and recreational usage. While alcohol and weed aren't the same at all, getting blazed at work should be treated the same as drinking on the job. Especially in something like construction. The fuck is that shit?