Mouse Ball Fetishist
So, Binding of Isaac with Don't Starve art style?
I don’t want to be too pessimistic, but if Halo looks good at release, I’ll be surprised.Well it has a date. Maybe they literally need the last 3.5 months before they want to show it.
Game's coming in hottttttttttttttt out of the oven.
I almost can't blame them. Might as well let people just play it at this point and hope it's fun.Time to officially get concerned with Halo Infinite. They really don't want to show the SP.
This emphasis on multiplayer without showing campaign footage is slightly worrying. Either they’re trying to avoid spoilers, or something else is up.
All consoles are limited editions this year xDGetting hold of a limited edition console this year should be fun.
So Halo is coming in three months, and they have yet to show campaign gameplay, instead showing woke and pointless CGI trailers.
No horse in this race, but ... damn.
Zero campaign gameplay again.... this is just downright embarrassing now. Gameplay better be in tomorrow's Inside Infinite, but why pass up a chance to show it here? So obviously it isn't coming tomorrow. This is fucking ridiculous for a game releasing later this year. What are they waiting on? Are they closing out the show or something? Because this is disgraceful at this stage.