Haunted said:Sure, there are those people. But with the extremely diverse lineup this year has seen with amazing games on all platforms, I guess I just didn't expect there to be so many of them. That's why I was saying I'm surprised at the number of people whose lists only feature one company/platform.
Your second paragraph is a very good point, though. [And another valid point of criticism towards this year's voting system.]
2004: Konami
2005: Capcom
3006: Nintendo
2007: Nintendo
2008: Konami
2009: Naughty Dog
HiResDes said:Why in the fuck do you consider games like AA, DA, Borderlands, SFIV,etc. to be surrogates? Just because a game is an exclusive does automatically grant it some sort of superiority over multiplatformers
Sorry...dsmoke1986 said:For me, it's all or nothing, and my pick for game of the year is Uncharted 2 - 10.
timetokill said:* 2009 VOTING RULES *
- Each voter gets ten (10) points total to award to their nominated games. You don't have to "spend" all of these points, but you can't go over the limit.
- Only ONE of your nominated games can be awarded THREE (3) points. This is effectively your singular vote for GAME OF THE YEAR. You do not, however, have to give 3 points to a title if you do not wish to.
- The rest of your nominated games can be given one or two points each. Again, your total cannot exceed 10 points.
- Only points of 1, 2, or 3 will be accepted.
- The voting will run from the time of this posting to January 10th, 2010 at midnight PST. (Please read the last note regarding extending the deadline)
Second said:No matter the voting system, Uncharted 2 would've won anyway. And it deserves to win GOTY. Just like how the previous GAF game deserved their GOTY wins.
Nintendo and Sony games always seem to win, though. But you can take that as you will...
AndyD said:I think he meant there were not a lot of 360 exclusives this year, and those with only a 360 played the multiplatforms instead of the exclusives because there were hardly any exclusives to speak of. So the multiplatforms were surrogates for the missing 360 exclusives.
Second said:No matter the voting system, Uncharted 2 would've won anyway. And it deserves to win GOTY. Just like how the previous GAF game deserved their GOTY wins.
lulzKilgoreTrout said:Haunted can see the future.
Is it a one console future? PSWII82000?
Not at all. However, this year Demon's Souls being Demon's Souls automatically grants it some sort of superiority over multi-platform titles.HiResDes said:Why in the fuck do you consider games like AA, DA, Borderlands, SFIV,etc. to be surrogates? Just because a game is an exclusive does automatically grant it some sort of superiority over multiplatformers
No, Valkyria Chronicles did. But that's also PS3 exclusive...xbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
AniHawk said:I'm not sure why that is, either. I think GAF has a really sizable fanbase for pretty much anything, but the Sony base seems particularly large, and much larger than the Nintendo one, but whenever it comes to a vote, the Nintendo games get a lot of support.
xbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
That doesn't really seem all that surprising to me. Exclusive games generally make more liberal use of things that are unique to the given console. Zelda/SMG used the Wiimote, Uncharted 2 used PS3 SPU's (or something like that) to do some of the heavy lifting.cr_blah_blah said:and it's basically always exclusive games. You'd think multiplatform games would have a better shot considering more people on different consoles had gotten a chance to play them but that's not the case at all. I don't really disagree with any of the winners but it's definitely a trend.
2004: Konami (Sony exclusive - MGS3)
2005: Capcom (multi - RE4)
2006: Nintendo (Nintendo exclusive - Zelda Wii)
2007: Nintendo (Nintendo exclusive - Super Mario Galaxy)
2008: Konami (Sony exclusive - MGS4)
2009: Naughty Dog (Sony exclusive - Uncharted 2)
xbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
xbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
Are you kidding - did you miss the Killzone 2 gifs, the constant Uncharted 2 references, the GTA/Forza free for all thread? Nintendo fans may be more vocal in specific threads - but there is a contingent of Sony fans consistently turn up in almost every thread regardless of topic to post the current meme.Noshino said:I think Sony and Nintendo's fanbase are near the same, with the Microsoft one near behind. Now, I think that Sony and Microsoft's fanbase are more active, and Nintendo's, while not as active, is usually *ahem* always, the most vocal one.
cr_blah_blah said:I'm surprised, with 19 more days before you have to vote, so many people have played everything they want from 2009. Especially with Xmas coming up I'd assume a lot of people would get games then that would probably make their list. Maybe it's just me that still gets a game or two as gifts when he goes back home for the holidays. I see no need to rush.
marc^o^ said:Uncharted 2 is the best game ever for Eurogamer readers: http://gamers.eurogamer.net/top_rated.php
poppabk said:Are you kidding - did you miss the Killzone 2 gifs, the constant Uncharted 2 references, the GTA/Forza free for all thread?
Nintendo fans may be more vocal in specific threads
but there is a contingent of Sony fans consistently turn up in almost every thread regardless of topic to post the current meme.
xbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
Noshino said:People still think that SMG is the best game ever... :lol
Well, for a price of a new console, you can buy like, 5 new games, so it's probably not worth it to many ppl.Haunted said:Also a short observation - I'm seeing way more "exclusive" lists (only PS3 games, or only Nintendo games etc.) than I expected.
I thought three years into this generation many of us were past this point of single console ownership. Apparently multi-console ownership is not as widely spread as I thought on GAF. :/or a lot of people are fanboys using this GOTY vote to push their agenda. But I'm an optimistic guy and like to think that's not the case.
There are several multiplatform games high up on the list. I don't think this is a fanboy issue, imo.zoku88 said:Well, for a price of a new console, you can buy like, 5 new games, so it's probably not worth it to many ppl.
Yeah, I was gonna say that the lack of handheld games is a far bigger issue than the real or imagined console preferences. But I suppose it isn't really surprising.Tailzo said:There are several multiplatform games high up on the list. I don't think this is a fanboy issue, imo.
What's really missing after my word tally, is the handheld titles. Almost makes me wish for a handheld goty thread.
We could also say GAF favors Japanese developed games, as only one game on this list is Western developed. Which would mean Uncharted 2 is actually breaking the GAF GOTY mold, and not necessarily conforming entirely to it.cr_blah_blah said:and it's basically always exclusive games. You'd think multiplatform games would have a better shot considering more people on different consoles had gotten a chance to play them but that's not the case at all. I don't really disagree with any of the winners but it's definitely a trend.
2004: Konami (Japanese Developed)
2005: Capcom (Japanese Developed)
2006: Nintendo (Japanese Developed)
2007: Nintendo (Japanese Developed)
2008: Konami (Japanese Developed)
2009: Naughty Dog (Western Developed)
poppabk said:Are you kidding - did you miss the Killzone 2 gifs, the constant Uncharted 2 references, the GTA/Forza free for all thread? Nintendo fans may be more vocal in specific threads - but there is a contingent of Sony fans consistently turn up in almost every thread regardless of topic to post the current meme.
Yesxbhaskarx said:People here really still think MGS4 deserved GOTY last year?
LosDaddie said:GAF leans toward Sony consoles. That should be clear to anyone who has been here for while. I don't know why it's even a debate.
Cheech said:I'm American and not a fanboy of either system, though I generally buy 360 multiplatform games. Demon's Souls is one of the best RPGs I've ever played. But Killzone 2 was a borderline shitpile, and Uncharted 2 is hilariously overrated. It makes me sad when I see a best of list comprised of those 3 games (plus Infamous), because clearly there are people out there either with agendas or they simply haven't played enough games to give an informed opinion about what the actual best games of the year are.
Cheech said:It makes me sad when I see a best of list comprised of those 3 games (plus Infamous), because clearly there are people out there either with agendas or they simply haven't played enough games to give an informed opinion about what the actual best games of the year are.
Ignoring the company angle of your post, that's actually a very valid point.Cheech said:Or they simply haven't played enough games to give an informed opinion about what the actual best games of the year are.
Cheech said:and Uncharted 2 is hilariously overrated.
Sounds a lot like a Fanboy to me. How can you scream and cry that GAF is biased when every other publication came to the same conclusion for goty and the other 2 games are highly respected by everyone but yourself and non ps3 owners?Cheech said:I'm American and not a fanboy of either system, though I generally buy 360 multiplatform games. Demon's Souls is one of the best RPGs I've ever played. But Killzone 2 was a borderline shitpile, and Uncharted 2 is hilariously overrated. It makes me sad when I see a best of list comprised of those 3 games (plus infamous)
Haunted said:Ignoring the company angle of your post, that's actually a very valid point.
If someone plays only one game in 2009 and (has to) call this his GOTY, is he really in a position to judge the best game(s) of that year? I mean, obviously not everyone can play every game out there, but is there a minimum threshold of [worthwhile]games someone should've played to be able to participate in a GOTY thread? Something to think about for next year's thread, for sure.who decides what is worthwhile?
I say force people to make a Top 10 GOTY list or they aren't allowed to participate. Bam.
Tailzo said:What's really missing after my word tally, is the handheld titles. Almost makes me wish for a handheld goty thread.