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Elon Musk buys Twitter

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Mr Nash

square pies = communism

Fuck Twitter

Interesting. Companies usually set up poison pills in order for the founders to try and realize a long-term vision. A good example of this was when Netflix did this in 2012 in order to transform it into the Netflix we know today. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have Yahoo! who made a poison pill in order to stave off an acquisition in 2008 by Microsoft who was offering $45 billion. In 2017, Yahoo! was finally sold to Verizon for $4.5 billion, a tenth of Microsoft's offer. Unless the board seriously has a way to get Twitter very profitable, very fast they are playing a dangerous game.

In the meantime, Musk hasn't given up yet.

He could also take Mark Cuba's advice. =p

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Gold Member
Interesting. Companies usually set up poison pills in order for the founders to try and realize a long-term vision. A good example of this was when Netflix did this in 2012 in order to transform it into the Netflix we know today. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have Yahoo! who made a poison pill in order to stave off an acquisition in 2008 by Microsoft who was offering $45 billion. In 2017, Yahoo! was finally sold to Verizon for $4.5 billion, a tenth of Microsoft's offer. Unless the board seriously has a way to get Twitter very profitable, very fast they are playing a dangerous game.

In the meantime, Musk hasn't given up yet.

He could also take Mark Cuba's advice. =p

That would cause WWIII
Please partner with that blonde, shaggy-haired fella who started his own social media platform after leaving his Job overseeing the direction of a nation and who currently doesn't have a Twitter account.

The meltdowns would make Chernobyl look like dropped chocolate on a cold day



Small-minded people projecting.

The hate is unreal. You don't have to like Elon Musk as a person, but to deny that his ventures are a net positive for humanity, especially when compared to any other billionaire, is ignoring reality. I actually quite like him the more I learn about him. His goals actually line up quite neatly with my left values, ironically enough for some people.


Gold Member
The hate is unreal. You don't have to like Elon Musk as a person, but to deny that his ventures are a net positive for humanity, especially when compared to any other billionaire, is ignoring reality. I actually quite like him the more I learn about him. His goals actually line up quite neatly with my left values, ironically enough for some people.

But he is very wealthy and successful and I am not therefor I hate him and everything he does and I think his money should be taken away by the government and given to people like me because else it is very unfair to me and I was raised in a protective bubble where I got everything I wanted and now I'm an adult and real life comes knocking I can't stand that things just don't get handed to me on a silver platter and I have to work for stuff.
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Does anyone think that Musk hasn’t gamed the poison pill scenario before making his offer?

This will end badly for the board.


Gold Member
Animated GIF


Neighbours from Hell
Rogan said in his latest episode that Elon is very serious about this Twitter thing and it isn’t just a publicity stunt. I don’t know if that was just his opinion, but he’s friends with Elon and talks to him regularly so he might have insight into how Elon actually feels.
Rogan said in his latest episode that Elon is very serious about this Twitter thing and it isn’t just a publicity stunt. I don’t know if that was just his opinion, but he’s friends with Elon and talks to him regularly so he might have insight into how Elon actually feels.

I don't know how we got to a point where the first instinctive reaction to anyone with an opposing view is bad faith. Most people are "good" people who view their actions as either beneficial to humanity or entirely harmless.

I believe the entire reason for wokeness is if you have an obscene amount of money compared to everyone else, you're not about to focus on socioeconomic issues for your view of ethics and fairness and morality. It's much easier to only think about those things in other terms.

Most people act in their own best interests without ever realizing it, and I don't view Elon as an exception to that rule. Thankfully though, I think he's been talking about the importance of freedom of speech for years now, and his interests line up with the general public more than those wanting to keep control of what people are allowed to talk about.

In corporate finance, a tender offer is a type of public takeover bid. The tender offer is a public, open offer or invitation (usually announced in a newspaper advertisement) by a prospective acquirer to all stockholders of a publicly traded corporation (the target corporation) to tender their stock for sale at a specified price during a specified time, subject to the tendering of a minimum and maximum number of shares. In a tender offer, the bidder contacts shareholders directly; the directors of the company may or may not have endorsed the tender offer proposal.

To induce the shareholders of the target company to sell, the acquirer's offer price is usually at a premium over the current market price of the target company's shares. For example, if a target corporation's stock were trading at $10 per share, an acquirer might offer $11.50 per share to shareholders on the condition that 51% of shareholders agree. Cash or securities may be offered to the target company's shareholders, although a tender offer in which securities are offered as consideration is generally referred to as an "exchange offer."
When gender is a spectrum, and people can choose to identify their gender in a seemingly unlimited number of ways, but human thought and ideology is somehow limited only to "left" or "right." I assure you that plenty of people on twitter (and in the real world) don't identify as either, and find plenty to dislike about both.

For people who are so fluid in their gender, they are surprisingly binary in their political thinking.

The fourth estate used to be in the service of the people, nowadays it has become the lapdog of the establishment. Musk upsetting the status quo shows how much in lockstep the media really is.


Is everyone in this thread a Republican? My impression as an outsider (EU citizen) is that Musk wants to buy Twitter to gain some political influence and, among other things, empower a potential 2024 Trump campaign. He uses the idea of unrestrained free speech as an excuse, but what good ever came out of Mein Kampf? No, I'm not calling Musk a Nazi.
Is everyone in this thread a Republican? My impression as an outsider (EU citizen) is that Musk wants to buy Twitter to gain some political influence and, among other things, empower a potential 2024 Trump campaign. He uses the idea of unrestrained free speech as an excuse, but what good ever came out of Mein Kampf? No, I'm not calling Musk a Nazi.
Oh gosh, no. For decades of my life (and before my life) free speech was promoted, upheld, and fought for by the left, and plenty on the left still understand the value and importance of free speech. All of the modern rights afforded to minorities, women, gay people, trans people, etc are a direct result of free speech. Without free speech "I think gay people should be allowed to get married!" could have been considered speech that could harm society. Thankfully the US constitution said otherwise. Free speech is not something you want to do away with, or allow the government or a handful of companies to control.
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Is everyone in this thread a Republican? My impression as an outsider (EU citizen) is that Musk wants to buy Twitter to gain some political influence and, among other things, empower a potential 2024 Trump campaign. He uses the idea of unrestrained free speech as an excuse, but what good ever came out of Mein Kampf? No, I'm not calling Musk a Nazi.
I am not a US citizen, but if I were I'd probably have a hard time picking a side because both parties have beliefs that I agree with and both have beliefs that I don't agree with.

Elon said that for him freedom of speech means that someone that you don't like is allowed to say something that you don't like (within the boundaries of the law). If he manages to bring that back to Twitter, I'll applaud him for that.


Oh gosh, no. For decades of my life (and before my life) free speech was promoted, upheld, and fought for by the left, and plenty on the left still understand the value and importance of free speech. All of the modern rights afforded to minorities, women, gay people, trans people, etc are a direct result of free speech. Without free speech "I think gay people should be allowed to get married!" could have been considered speech that could harm society. Thankfully the US constitution said otherwise. Free speech is not something you want to do away with, or allow the government or a handful of companies to control.

The rise of divisive, populist and radicalized rhetoric should be contained, regardless of political affiliation. This isn't about left vs right. I dislike leftist wokeness just as much as anyone but the solution doesn't lie in the extreme right either. Reinstating Trump's Twitter account so he can sow more hatred and discord in an already inflamed and divided American society, in order to be president again, will bring no good.
This is getting into very specifically political discussion, which is not allowed on this forum, so you'll have to forgive me for not responding. But I will say that freedom of speech has a long history of being valued by both major political parties in the US, and I would guess that's why this discussion is being allowed here in the first place.
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Is everyone in this thread a Republican? My impression as an outsider (EU citizen) is that Musk wants to buy Twitter to gain some political influence and, among other things, empower a potential 2024 Trump campaign. He uses the idea of unrestrained free speech as an excuse, but what good ever came out of Mein Kampf? No, I'm not calling Musk a Nazi.
Sorry, for a moment I thought this was a tweet, and I was on Twitter.
Is everyone in this thread a Republican? My impression as an outsider (EU citizen) is that Musk wants to buy Twitter to gain some political influence and, among other things, empower a potential 2024 Trump campaign. He uses the idea of unrestrained free speech as an excuse, but what good ever came out of Mein Kampf? No, I'm not calling Musk a Nazi.

I'm neither a republican, nor a democrat, not even an American citizen, but can we stop pretending that Elon Musk invented free speech?

I do not understand how being a supporter of free speech became such a divisive issue, free speech should NEVER be vilified. Freedom of opinion is a core tenet of enlightenment and from a social perspective the single most important thing that enabled the rise of democratic regimes in the West. Without it, we would still be under the authoritarian boot of monarchy or have long since degraded into dictatorial absolutism.

Apart from the separation of power, free speech is essentially what protects us from the abuse of political power. If free speech becomes a problem in our society, then our society is to blame not the principle of free speech. Nothing good came out of Mein Kampf but nothing good came from its censorship either.

The simple fact is that Elon doesn't fit into the binary political system of the U.S., he's neither republican, nor democrat and he has donated to both parties depending on the issues at hand. Musk doesn't adhere to a party, he is interested in policies. In that regard, people should start following his example.
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I'm neither a republican, nor a democrat, not even an American citizen, but can we stop pretending that Elon Musk invented free speech?

I do not understand how being a supporter of free speech became such a divisive issue, free speech should NEVER be vilified. Freedom of opinion is a core tenet of enlightenment and from a social perspective the single most important thing that enabled the rise of democratic regimes in the West. Without it, we would still be under the authoritarian boot of monarchy or have long since degraded into dictatorial absolutism.

Apart from the separation of power, free speech is essentially what protects us from the abuse of political power. If free speech becomes a problem in our society, then our society is to blame not the principle of free speech. Nothing good came out of Mein Kampf but nothing good came from its censorship either.

The simple fact is that Elon doesn't fit into the binary political system of the U.S., he's neither republican, nor democrat and he has donated to both parties depending on the issues at hand. Musk doesn't adhere to a party, he is interested in policies. In that regard, people should start following his example.
Amen. This idea that lighter censorship will be like a wild west is also ridiculous. I'm sure direct calls of violence, doxing, targeted harassment, etc., will still be bannable offenses, as they should be. People on both sides of the political spectrum and everywhere inbetween engage in this type of behavior. However, free expression of political ideas, however controversial, should absolutely be allowed. Populism becoming a dirty word is also very disappointing, to my knowledge until Trump it's always been viewed in a positive light. He didn't invent populism. Populism has the potential for great things.
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