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Circana (NPD) September 2023: #1 Starfield #2 Mortal Kombat 1 #3 EA FC24; PS5 #1 Units + Revenue, XBS #2 Units + Revenue


Gold Member
Baldurs Gate is on the charts. It's just not in top 20.
Larian doesn't participate in the charts so the numbers probably really aren't available. In the absence of numbers some folks extrapolated a chart position for BG3 with it naturally being above Starfield due to its placement on the PS5 downloads list, the SteamDB user score for Starfield being 69% (nice), and a one-off validity exception for engagement metrics. The exercise was truly fascinating.


Really great result for Starfield!

But didn't get Xbox to #1 in a month. I wonder if that gets people inside Xbox more or less worried about Game Pass. As in "Hey we can still sell games!" or "It doesn't matter how many games we sell, the boxes aren't moving."
Bro calm down Xbox came in 2nd not 4th, people have to understand PS is just the more popular console it's always going to sell more naturally unless MS uses cod to it's advantage.
The only fact you're suggesting that arresting a yoy decline for a single month with their biggest exclusive in years is a positive is pretty telling of the state of things.
The idea of them being able to outsell direct competitors even for a single month even with major software isn't even contemplated anymore for the brand.
You proved my point.

There are market realities that come into it sure. Sony is targeting 25m console sales in a year, roughly the amount that MS sold in 2.5 years or so. Was it ever realistic to think that MS suddenly overtakes Sony because of a single game release, probably not. There would even be some question of whether or not it would even be physically possible (manufacturing capacity and all that).

Fans say all types of shit. All kinds of opinions. That's cool. Starfield has done A LOT for the brand so far. And it's the first #1 selling IP for Bethesda and GP got a bump in subscriptions It's putting in work.

Some of the takes, I tell you. Apparently MS over hyped Starfield now even though they barely even talked about it until the showcase in June, when it released in September. We went from people complaining about them never showing it, to them over-saturating the marketing for it.

I guess the dude figures Xbox players should never talk about upcoming games out of fear that every thought they had about it might not be correct? Too weird. LOL
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Correct me if I'm wrong here...I find the interesting part that the Game Pass upgrade revenues are NOT included in those sales numbers and Starfield still topped out #1. I'm guessing they sold millions of those too, across console and PC. Wish it had a coop or multiplayer aspect in a persistent Starfield universe.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Correct me if I'm wrong here...I find the interesting part that the Game Pass upgrade revenues are NOT included in those sales numbers and Starfield still topped out #1. I'm guessing they sold millions of those too, across console and PC. Wish it had a coop or multiplayer aspect in a persistent Starfield universe.

Yes. They specifically cite 'Full Game Digital' and mention that add-on's are not included.

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Not at all. We went from everyone complaining about them never showing it, to suddenly saying they were over-saturating the marketing for it. LOL

Were they not supposed to market the title? This is definitely not a CP2077 situation with. I don't see how anyone can seriously go there with this one.
Nobody complained about them not talking about the game though as far as I know. They complained about not having extended gameplay previews. Ones where the gameplay loop would have become apparent, the jumping between menus and loading screens would have become apparent, the traversal, etc etc. They talked and hyped the games constantly though in dedicated shows like Starfield Direct, at E3s with 15 minute reveals a year prior, random announcements of event videos showing the studios and devs talking about a genre defining, most ambitious game they've made. They had plenty of carefully selected marketing coverage that was pretty constant. Just not m/any gameplay previews for others to judge what it really plays like. Marketing was still high, showing the game's state and what it plays like wasn't that high though.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Premium edition upgrade isn't considered an addon but as a full game SKU


Don't know what on that image leads you to believe that. It clearly says base game required. It is not a full digital game. Even the Steel book was a limited retailer offer.

Some retailers do sell DLC as well, like Gamestop.

But Circana's picture makes a specific mention of excluding add-on spending.
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Don't know what on that image leads you to believe that. It clearly says base game required. It is not a full digital game. Even the Steel book was a limited retailer offer.

Some retailers do well DLC as well, like Gamestop.

But Circana's picture makes a specific mention of excluding add-on spending.
Because it is officially considered an edition. GDS and GFK have the exact same small print but the premium upgrade is not considered an addon. It's considered buying an edition of the game.


Beating the Switch for that month gotta count for something. Unless people are finally starting to stop buying Switches and waiting for Switch 2.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Because it is officially considered an edition. GDS and GFK have the exact same small print but the premium upgrade is not considered an addon. It's considered buying an edition of the game.

GFK reported it as a separate SKU from the base game in their reporting, including separate classification on the charts, even if Circana follows GFK's exact model, which we have no way of knowing, it would be counted as a separate SKU.

So even in that case, that SKU would not be effecting the Starfield that is on top of this months sales chart. Nor does it if it gets counted as an add-on, like it's labeled to be.
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Congrats to Bethesda. #1 nice, looks to be selling very well on PC. Xbox sales are heading in the right direction. Just need to see it be consistent in order for it to at least sell more than Xbox One.


GSK reported it as a separate SKU from the base game in their reporting, including separate classification on the charts, even if Circana follows GSK's exact model, which we have no way of knowing, it would be counted as a separate SKU.

So even in that case, that SKU would not be effecting the Starfield that is on top of this months sales chart. Nor does it if it gets counted as an add-on, like it's labeled to be.

It's Gfk not GSK. You repeated it twice so just an FYI if it's not a typo.

Notice Gfk included it as a full game and not an addon. So does Circana. No Circana doesn't separate SKU with premium editions etc but includes all editions all in one (it's dollar sales). Notice GfK even separates Minecraft to (nintendo switch) whereas Circana has "multiple video game manufacturers" because it has combined the versions unlike GfK. The point is that it isn't an addon and it's included in the September chart.
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Nobody complained about them not talking about the game though as far as I know. They complained about not having extended gameplay previews. Ones where the gameplay loop would have become apparent, the jumping between menus and loading screens would have become apparent, the traversal, etc etc. They talked and hyped the games constantly though in dedicated shows like Starfield Direct, at E3s with 15 minute reveals a year prior, random announcements of event videos showing the studios and devs talking about a genre defining, most ambitious game they've made. They had plenty of carefully selected marketing coverage that was pretty constant. Just not m/any gameplay previews for others to judge what it really plays like. Marketing was still high, showing the game's state and what it plays like wasn't that high though.

I guess I should have allowed for that contingent on here that thinks anything short of a shadow drop from MS is over-hyped, that's true. Or the most "hype" thing of all to some, a random Phil Spencer or Aaron Greenberg Tweet (X or whatever). LOL

You just put together one of the most mundane lists of "hype" I've ever seen. The Starfield Direct was great and a good hype builder for the game, sure. Is it over-hyping to literally show the game exactly as it ships, I don't think so.


I guess I should have allowed for that contingent on here that thinks anything short of a shadow drop from MS is over-hyped, that's true. Or the most "hype" thing of all to some, a random Phil Spencer or Aaron Greenberg Tweet (X or whatever). LOL

You just put together one of the most mundane lists of "hype" I've ever seen. The Starfield Direct was great and a good hype builder for the game, sure. Is it over-hyping to literally show the game exactly as it ships, I don't think so.
I guess we have different definitions of hype but completely dedicated showings separated at E3 2023, lengthy segments at past E3 like this a year before

certainly isn't "they barely even talked about it until the showcase in June, when it released in September."
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Dude, speak for yourself. I don't talk about games I have no interest in regardless of the brand behind it. Starfield is without a doubt my personal GoTY and it plays basically exactly as I expected it would. Obviously we just like different games.

Despite some horrible UI, loading and flaws there's a great sandbox to make your own fun in there. It is most definitely classic Bethesda through and through. It's much like Minecraft or Lego, if you're no good at making your own fun then Starfield is a pretty mediocre game IMO. If you're good at making your own fun then Starfield is a real winner, no doubt.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Adamsapple, and especially Darkmage you plonka here you go

Alright, good to have confirmation.

That probably paired well with the game pass bump.

You should know better, dont hype mediocrity.


These takes... well at least you're a bit mellower than calling it an unmitigated disaster, baby steps. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Good month for Microsoft and Starfield. The buzz around Starfield was massive at launch. The trouble is the game didn't quite deliver so the overall feel is gonna one of disappointment I think. And the sales take is not gonna be what is expected of a Bethesda rpg.

Also in a side note Microsoft really need to sort the performance out on their games. Launching Redfall and Starfield at 30fps on the supposed most powerful console while Spiderman 2 looks and performs how it does is just embarrassing


Starfield not being enough to push XS to #1 and only giving it a single digital % increase YoY is really not a good sign for Xbox as a hardware business. I'd love to see a breakdown in sales/users between Xbox and PC to confirm.

If (the admittedly mid) Starfield can't do it, I'm not sure anything can.
Single digit growth with Starfield “the most hyped game ever”?

That’s a wrap right there.
Seems like Xbox is dead as a console. lol
Thank god these people don’t have a position of power at Microsoft, yikes.
Come on Adam, don't act stupid. Player engagement? That includes stuff like Fortnite, Destiny, COD, and all F2P games.

We're talking about September sales here -- units and dollar revenue.


Your wrong and adamsapple adamsapple is right.

Player engagement is equivalent to sales. There's nothing you can do but take it in and deal with it.

Suck it!!!!

P.S I'm only joking.

It's annoying people keep acting like the two are similar when they represent very different things especially when you look at how the revenue works.


No, these companies are not tracking it.

Chris Dring also confirmed the same. Starfield was #1 in GFK data, but Chris said that it would have been Baldur's Gate 3 if they were adding that to the chart.
How can he know that if they're not tracking it?

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Starfield’s sales are…ok

But the game will drop like a rock and be quickly forgotten about. Those first month sales are all hopium. Reality has now kicked in and word of mouth is terrible.

Game really deserves to fail, most disappointing release of 2023 and we should not be ‘celebrating’ all big AAA releases if some are terribly disappointing


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Sales for the month:
PS5: 480k
XBS: 300k
NSW: 200k

~220k PS5
~180k PS5 SM2
~80k DE

~170k X, ~130k S

PS5 outselling Xbox on its biggest month of the year by basically 200k.
PS5...sold virtually half a MILLION in the USA alone in September without a single game release.

October will be...interesting.

MY GOD!!!! I think the most undercover thing that most don't talk about is how many Xbox Series Xs are sold vs. total PS5s. When it comes to what people are seeing on their TVs and at what frame rate.....this is a bigger deal than many are willing to admit and discuss.

October - Spider-Man
November - Black Friday + slim model (probably some discounts) meaning a lot of people, specially enthustastics will buy a new version of the console.
December - Christmas

If Sony doesn't reach those 25M sold it will be close. Honestly i can't see the 25M happening at this point but who knows.

NO WAY Sony hits 25M. I thought there were, but that was when I thought the PS5 Slim was going to be one unit only at $399 with a $99 BR add-on drive.


If these are accurate, this is much closer than what you'd be led to believe by some posters.

Looks like all of them are doing pretty healthy all round. Xbox got a bump, game pass got a bump, Starfield sold well while also being on GP day 1.

You love to see the industry doing well. :messenger_smiling_hearts:
You realise that is the US? Where MS usually outsells Sony. How is being behind Sony, in your biggest market, "good".
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