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Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |OT| All Jacked Up


Wow this sounds like a hell of a bungled remaster.

It's nothing that can't be mended with a patch. I can't speak for the XB1 version since that seems to be the one with more screentearing / fps drops, but it's not that bad in the PS4 version from what I've played of it. I haven't come across any other issues and Gearbox is working on a fix for both so that should hopefully be out soon.


And added :)

Playing on PS4 here Borderlands 2 runs solid and looks very good no hitches. Did not play the pre-sequel yet but it has some problems i heard overall it is a good remaster.

yeah, feel free to add me as well.

PSN: Fliesenjohnny
currently playing vanilla BL2


Weird... when I logged in a few minutes ago, after it synced my profile a window popped up at the main menu of BL2 that said I had gained BARs and earned 12 tokens as a result. Thing is I don't know what my BAR was when I quit last night so I can't say how far it actually went up. I'm at ~1,200 BAR now on my fresh level 17 Axton though.

I thought maybe it was from having old PC data on my SHiFT profile or something since they mentioned players switching platforms would get a free chunk of BARs and 75 keys, but I didn't see any new keys after going into the game.
Falling in love with BL2 all over again. So good. Amazing game. Amazing DLC.

Playing on XB1. Haven't had many issues. The frame rate hits that do happen are at unexpected times, so hopefully they can sort that out.

Going to wait for a patch before diving into TPS, which I haven't ever played yet.

This weapon here, had me cracking up.

"get in theeeeeeeeeere!"

If you got this weapon, just shoot it, you'll see what I mean.


Hmmm. Is there any way of getting 360 character data for BL2 over to PS4? Even weird ways like people use to do to get console characters onto PC?

Yes it's possible. I was able to get my BL2 assassin from, 360, to PC, to Vita and then To PS3 and will get him on PS4 when I get this lol. There are a few modding tools that let you do it. I did lose my badass rank however.


GAF halp please!

My GF and i made a char on my psn account, now it turns out we can't co-op then due only one char per psn account can log in?

Is there away around it or do we have to start all over?! Goddamnit.

Really liking it, nice switch between Bloodborne.


Do you know if there are any graphical improvements other than the bump in resolution? I mean, none of that PhysX stuff right?


Do you know if there are any graphical improvements other than the bump in resolution? I mean, none of that PhysX stuff right?

even if there was, you wouldn't really notice. Borderlands' art style and chaotic combat makes anything but higher resolution really barely noticeable - especially the PhysX stuff. :/

Having completed vanilla BL2 multiple times on multiple platforms, yet never bothered with the DLCs i am really positivity surprised by the content of the Captain Scarlett DLC.

Took it as a nice little sidestep at lvl 15, having a blast. the only bummer is that the "do all optional quests" trophy includes a raidboss? :(


About 2 or 3 hours into Borderlands 2 (Level 8) and I'm absolutely loving it so far although I do sort of miss the desert for some reason. Not seen any of the performance issues so far but I am using a 2TB hdd rather than the stock drive so that may account for the silky smooth ride I've had.


About 2 or 3 hours into Borderlands 2 (Level 8) and I'm absolutely loving it so far although I do sort of miss the desert for some reason. Not seen any of the performance issues so far but I am using a 2TB hdd rather than the stock drive so that may account for the silky smooth ride I've had.

I'm using a 2TB drive as well, plenty of performance issues. Running through the middle of town where Scooter's shield was placed always results in a framerate drop. Not a huge one, but it's definitely there. Lots of drops into the 40-55 range during normal gameplay as well. Every single cutscene has framerate issues as well.

Sofa King

GAF halp please!

My GF and i made a char on my psn account, now it turns out we can't co-op then due only one char per psn account can log in?

Is there away around it or do we have to start all over?! Goddamnit.

Really liking it, nice switch between Bloodborne.

Can't coop with 2 characters from same account. Look at the bright side, it will give you an excuse to try out the other classes.


Played co-op with some randoms yesterday for a couple missions and since it'd been so long since I played BL2, I completely forgot that the loot was shared in one pool for the group. Such a stupid decision for Gearbox to make it that way. I was getting sniper crits on a Badass Constructor for like 5 minutes and by the time he was dead and I got over there, the loot was already picked up. I guess it's fine if you play with the same group of friends and they aren't greedy, but anybody else is going to snatch up whatever they see immediately. So lesson learned, not playing with randoms anymore.

Destiny might have alot of flaws but I'll give them props for making loot specific to each player so you don't have to fight over things when you play with people you don't know.


Finished up the Torgue DLC this morning on my fresh Axton playthrough.

While I absolutely love all of the character writing, I felt like the DLC was a bit of a letdown. The first couple boss encounters in this DLC were honestly terrible (even by BL2's pretty low standard for bosses), and the mission gameplay itself was kind of bland in a lot of cases. I also thought the overall rewards for this DLC were pretty bad; you need to do a fair amount of mission grinding to make any use of the DLC's unique vending machines. You will not accumulate anywhere near enough currency to buy a single legendary item throughout the course of the entire campaign. It did end on a relatively high note though as the final two bosses I thought were quite fun, although again dampened a bit by what turned out to be another disappointing reward (though it was given out in glorious Torgue fashion).

For those going into it the first time with this collection, I'd recommend sticking just to the campaign missions on this one to hear all of the dialogue and experience the finale (which is MOTHERFUC*ING BAD ASS), and come back later when you're in the endgame stages before considering trying to earn any of the Torgue machine items.
Just can't get into TPS as hard as I love BL2. Maybe when they fix the performance. The four characs just aren't grabbing me, though I started with Nisha. Maybe Clap would have been more fun. I don't kbow. Being on a moon makes me think all the incredible variety of landscapes in 2 will be non existent. Do you end up in cooler places as the game goes on?

Of nothing else I'm super committed to playing through 2 with every charac. I finally started a THVM with my 41 Maya.
Well shit, I didn't know you could get legendaries from the grinding machine.


I got the maggie(which is in my hand) and the invader back to back.

I put in a bunch of purple weapon I didnt want from the key chest and got those two.

I remember springs saying there were recipes so I wonder if someone else can get the same weapon I got by putting in the same weapons in the grinder i did.

For maggie, i put two jacob pistols and a shotgun, all purple

for invader, i out in a hyperion sniper, a jacob sniper.................I forgot what the last one was, it was a pistol, thats all i remember.
Wait, grinding machine? Where can I find this???

Go to Concordia, and find springs, there's a grinder machine in the same area as her, but you need to complete the GRINDER mission from springs to use it.

You put three weapons(only weapons) of the same quality, and it will give you a new weapon back of the same quality or higher.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Ugh fuck this game. Playing on Xbox 1 had massive screen tearing and some werid bug that made my guy run/walk at half speed while trying to play TPS, while my brother right next to me on a identical setup just had mild screen tearing. Figured Id wait for a patch and go back to part 2. Worked fine 1st day but now my frame rate is less then 1/2 what it should be. Again my brother playing on the exact same set up down to the same external HDD its running a smooth 60fps. Online fixes say to delete local save and have it re download from the cloud. That worked 1 fucking time.

Really fuck this game...


Okay so I joined a coop session yesterday to do a mission with some randoms on TVHM who were 2-3 levels higher than I was, and now when I went back to do the Wildlife Preservation mission everything is 6 levels higher than I am. What the hell is this? Is there anyway to reset them to be closer to my level? As it is right now it's literally impossible.


fuck teh earworm.

no seriously FUCK that mission

EDIT: Holy Shit the last boss of the ClapTrap DLC....

You mean
the Mighty Mophin Megatrap? (Copyright pending :p)

If so yes fuck that! it's a real damn shame it's the only story DLC for the pre-sequel cause as annoying as it is it was fun.


I truly wonder what the first month sales will be like for this game.

I imagine it will do well but not gangbusters. With all of the sales on PC and last gen versions it has been readily available, but for "new" games on new platforms, it will still do well. I'm looking forward to picking it up on Tuesday!


My wife was watching TV last night, so jumped into some remote play. Whoever thought having ADS and fire mapped to the touchscreen needs a beating. I ended up going to the other room and jumping onto the PS4, is there anyway to adjust the remote play controls?
You mean
the Mighty Mophin Megatrap? (Copyright pending :p)

If so yes fuck that! it's a real damn shame it's the only story DLC for the pre-sequel cause as annoying as it is it was fun.

yeah seriously that dlc was pretty good and the fight is fun.

i had to quit when he
transformed into the big ass evil helios station
tho his shield took forever to come off and he killed me when when i finally got to chipping some of his health.

I'm playing Xbox One and a grand total of zero issues to report so far

ive had some screen tearing while playing TPS but nothing bad enough to stop me from enjoying the game
Holy shit, I just got a rifle from the Golden Chest with 269 power and a magazine size of 18, it feels like cheating this early in the game.

This is the game I've been waiting for though, I'm probably going to sink a good few weeks into finishing both of these and hopefully perfecting them too, should be a blast.

EDIT: I'm such an idiot, I didn't realise that the grenades worked like the guns and you just refilled on ammo for the grenades you liked, I just thought they were one time things and I was cycling through them as I picked them up.
So I finished TPS on normal with Wilheim. I'm now easily farming Iwajira to level 30 or so, stocking up on moonstones and seeing if I get any interesting loot. Any recommendations on leveling/strategy from there? When should I hop into TVHM?


I finished up the pre-sequel last night, certainly was interesting to get a new perspective on things. Looking forward to starting the DLC.

I didn't enjoy it as much as I did 2 but I loved everything it added like low gravity jumping, slamming with elemental effects and the laser guns, the gameplay did a good job of feeling like it was something new after Borderlands 2. Only time I got framerate issues was on a rare occasion when I moonjumped and noticed drops, other than that it ran pretty well the whole game on PS4
This weapon here, had me cracking up.

"get in theeeeeeeeeere!"

If you got this weapon, just shoot it, you'll see what I mean.
I laughed so hard at the dialog from it, topped off hilarious the aussie jokes/accents present in the game for me. (especially being a aussie myself)
I wanna buy the collector's edition but I can find it. The only place I know is ebay which they sell it for 500$. Seriously? I bought my console 400$ and they sell a game 500$? :(

Is there any place I can find this for cheaper price?
Living in London
played TPS for about 6 hours last night on PS4.

Only noticed one early bug where there's a black shadow on a building (normally you can't walk through them) but collision is off on this one and you can clip through the building.

other than that, solid experience.


I wanna buy the collector's edition but I can find it. The only place I know is ebay which they sell it for 500$. Seriously? I bought my console 400$ and they sell a game 500$? :(

Is there any place I can find this for cheaper price?
Living in London

It was limited to 5000, if it sold out the price will rise.
And you would be mainly paying for the remote controlled Claptrap not the game.
While playing solo no problems. A few framerate dips, but the anti-aliasing makes up for that.

The problem lies with split screen. On BL2 the game just freezes whenever Guest1 dies and respawns and with TPS things are way too big. Can't even read what a gun does. Wtf?


My wife was watching TV last night, so jumped into some remote play. Whoever thought having ADS and fire mapped to the touchscreen needs a beating. I ended up going to the other room and jumping onto the PS4, is there anyway to adjust the remote play controls?

Wait, instead of grenades and action skill they put the two most important inputs in the game on the back touchpad...? Does that also mean you have to use the touchpad for accelerating & braking while driving?
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