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UK may ban (most) Samurai swords.

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Samurai swords to be banned
By Emma Henry and agencies
Last Updated: 2:08am GMT 06/03/2007

The sale of imitation samurai swords could be banned by the end of the year, the Home Office announced today.

Importing or hiring the weapons could also be made illegal following a string of samurai sword attacks in recent years.

Breaching the ban, which is targeted at cheap imitation samurai swords rather than the more expensive genuine collectors' items made by licensed swordsmiths in Japan, would result in up to six months in jail and a £5,000 fine.

Collectors and martial arts enthusiasts owning or using genuine samurai swords would be exepmt from the ban

According to Home Office estimates, there have been at least 80 serious crimes involving the swords in England and Wales over the last four years.

One MP recently warned that they were being used by criminal gangs as the preferred weapon of choice after guns.

Last month, amphetamine addict Hugh Penrose was jailed for at least 19 years for hacking a 21-year-old woman with a samurai sword and then deliberately running her over.

In October, Bradley Moran was jailed for 17 years for murdering another man with a samurai sword following an argument in a nightclub.

It is currently legal to buy samurai swords - which are freely available at martial arts shops and on the internet - provided they are not brandished in a public place.

The Home Office now wants to ban their sale as part of a wider crackdown on knives and bladed weapons.

Carrying a samurai sword in a public place already attracts a maximum jail sentence of four years.

Vernon Coaker, the Home Office minister, said today: "Samurai sword crime is low in volume but high in profile and I recognise it can have a devastating impact.

"Banning the sale, import and hire will take more dangerous weapons out of circulation, making our streets safer.

"We recognise it is the cheap, easily-available samurai swords which are being used in crime and not the genuine, more expensive samurai swords which are of interest to collectors and martial arts enthusiasts."

"It is already illegal to have a samurai sword in a public place but I want to restrict the number of dangerous weapons in circulation to enhance community safety."

The plans are outlined in a consultation paper, Banning Offensive Weapons, published by the Home Office today.

At present there are 17 weapons, including knuckle-dusters and batons, on the Offensive Weapons Order.

The exemptions would be for groups such as the To-ken Society of Great Britain and the British Kendo Association.

Last year, Tory MP James Brokenshire (Hornchurch) said cheap samurai swords were as easy to buy "as purchasing a Lotto ticket".


people with immitation samuari swords slung on a wrack over their beds are retards - thank god. lets hope the rest of the world follows in banning more tacky shit.



So retarded. At this rate I expect in a few years the headlines may read: U.K. to ban all physical matter.

With pundits saying "Physical matter kills, Jane. You can use it to do stuff to people causing them to die. People will die if we don't ban it. Even children will die. Think of the children!"

So you ban guns, and then you ban swords, and knives, and then what's next, sticks? Any pointy object?


ToxicAdam said:
Slippery Slope~!

What's next, the Cutlass and the Rapier!!??
Then the crowbar, then the tire iron, then the sledge hammer, then windows, then the fist...


Will drop pants for Sony.
Sapiens said:
people with immitation samuari swords slung on a wrack over their beds are retards - thank god. lets hope the rest of the world follows in banning more tacky shit.

I hate elitists . Really I think they should rot in hell.

With that said. I see a problem with idiots carrying around samurai sword in their car and/or on their person in public places, those people are idiots.

However, if you are some guy who cannot afford the tens of thousands of dollars a true real samurai sword would cost, why should the rich get to have one displayed in their home and no one else?

Personally I don't have one, I've thought about buying one (especially with the Heroes symbol on it) but I don't want to be an elitist pig about it to other people who are interested in collecting or displaying Samurai swords.


****, I don't logically see an inherent problem with someone walking around with a sword in public, placed in a sheath, worn on the side. For example, my wife's old Kendo teacher in San Antonio was a university professor and she wore her sword all the time (for self-defense) and no one had a problem with it. I'm sure some faculty and students made fun of her or thought she was weird, but she wasn't hurting anybody doing it.

I have a problem with someone attacking people in public with a sword, but then, that's really more of a problem with someone attacking someone.


But what will happen to the Tyneside Samurai?


Police on Tyneside are seeking a man carrying a sword who came to the aid of plain clothes officers during a burglary attempt.

The officers were threatened by a man with a knife after they discovered armed men trying to break into a house in Laygate, South Shields.

Another man armed with a samurai sword appeared and attacked the man with the knife, before leaving the scene.

Three men have been charged with aggravated burglary.

One faces an additional charge of attempted wounding with intent to resist arrest.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
JayDubya said:
So retarded. At this rate I expect in a few years the headlines may read: U.K. to ban all physical matter.

With pundits saying "Physical matter kills, Jane. You can use it to do stuff to people causing them to die. People will die if we don't ban it. Even children will die. Think of the children!"

So you ban guns, and then you ban swords, and knives, and then what's next, sticks? Any pointy object?

I was coming in to say something remarkably similar to this so hats off to you Jay.

All I'm left with is, ditto.


Gold Member


Crotchety Old Man
Who gives a shit. There is no practical reason to own a sword that isn't violent, I'm sure people will survive with a little less Japanophilia in their homes.


pjberri said:
Who gives a shit. There is no practical reason to own a sword that isn't violent, I'm sure people will survive with a little less Japanophilia in their homes.

Maybe because they just want one. It's their right, and it shouldn't matter if it is "practical" or not.

That said, I'd love to get my hands on the real deal. The closest I've ever found was some guy who makes swords, and supposedly makes semi-decent ones, and not the cheap crap you find at the mall. Can't remember his name offhand, though.


pjberri said:
Who gives a shit. There is no practical reason to own a sword that isn't violent, I'm sure people will survive with a little less Japanophilia in their homes.

Every human has the God given right to self defence. Some obviously will abuse this, but my point is a sword can be used for defence.

Weapons aren't just for offence and scaring people. They're also for protecting yourself and others that are unable to protect themselves.

How a weapon is used and why depends on the choices a person makes. Those choices can be good or bad.

Simply banning a weapon because it can be used for "evil" is stupid. You can't stop a human by removing the weapon. The human will fashion a weapon out of something else.


neojubei said:
I hate elitists . Really I think they should rot in hell.


you must own a collection of finely crafted swords which you keep in a sword rack in your bedroom.


M3Freak said:
Every human has the God given right to self defence. Some obviously will abuse this, but my point is a sword can be used for defence.

Weapons aren't just for offence and scaring people. They're also for protecting yourself and others that are unable to protect themselves.

How a weapon is used and why depends on the choices a person makes. Those choices can be good or bad.

Simply banning a weapon because it can be used for "evil" is stupid. You can't stop a human by removing the weapon. The human will fashion a weapon out of something else.

by this logic i should be able to carry a few hand grenades so if a group of haters roll up on me with samurai swords, i can blast them fools. Afterall its for self defence. A slippery slope can go both ways.

I think the question is the cost and benefit analogy? if a samurai sword creates more problems or danger when a person carries them, then it serves for protection then it needs to be outlawed. People seem to forget temporary rage or insanity, anger that makes people lash out with whatever they can find, giving people fewer lethal options to carry out their anger, rage, whatever in my mind is a plus.

Sure you have a right to self defence, but does that mean you have an unalienable right to have a sword for that purpose? how about hand grenades or land minds? Both can be argued for the use of self defence?


Crotchety Old Man
Do you think that if a samurai sword's only purpose were for baking cakes they would be nearly as popular? Nobody even makes them in the traditional fashion anymore—so what's the point in having a piece of beaten steel in your home?
A sword is basically a knife. An imitation sword is basically a poorly constructed knife that is most likely made of metal not easily sharpened. As the article states, imitation samurai sword attacks occur infrequently. Do we really need the government involved in this?

Aren't there already laws in the UK prohibiting people from carrying weapons like knives, swords, guns, etc. around?
Carrying a samurai sword in a public place already attracts a maximum jail sentence of four years.
The right action would be to mandate the wearing of cheap, imitation armour for all citizens, young or old in public and private spheres - and free pool noodles. in large bins, by the corner shop.


Stop calling them ****ing samurai swords.

Do you think that if a samurai sword's only purpose were for baking cakes they would be nearly as popular? Nobody even makes them in the traditional fashion anymore—so what's the point in having a piece of beaten steel in your home?

Because they may be beautiful? Because you may train in Iaido or Kenjutsu? You should be more worried about kitchen knives than swords, imitation or otherwise.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
karasu said:
Stop calling them ****ing samurai swords.

Because they may be beautiful? Because you may train in Iaido or Kenjutsu? You should be more worried about kitchen knives than swords, imitation or otherwise.

The article states that Martial Arts enthusiasts would be exempt from the law.


Didn't California ban spanking your kids? I swear I think humainty died like 50 years ago and we are all in hell... maybe that meteor everyone is worried about destroying earth... did..

Hell I say.


I misread the title as "UK may ban (most) Samurai words".....

I'm an idiot, but that would've been an interesting article.


Jonm1010 said:
by this logic i should be able to carry a few hand grenades so if a group of haters roll up on me with samurai swords, i can blast them fools. Afterall its for self defence. A slippery slope can go both ways.

Sure. Of course, any harm you do to people (well, the innocent people that aren't attacking you anyway) or any damage you do to other property, you're totally liable for in terms of both criminal and civil action, so a grenade suddenly doesn't seem like such a good idea.


JayDubya said:
Sure. Of course, any harm you do to people (well, the innocent people that aren't attacking you anyway) or any damage you do to other property, you're totally liable for in terms of both criminal and civil action, so a grenade suddenly doesn't seem like such a good idea.

fine replace the grenade with shotgun, or any other weopon, the cost benefut analogy still needs to be factored, if its doing more harm then good then their is no sense in having it legal to carry. All you end up doing allowing people to carry anything is a weaponized version of keeping up with the joneses. If they have swords i need one too, if they have guns i need one too, they have two guns ill bring an uzi. The rest of my post still stands.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
what are they gonna do? storm my house and find my sword? HAH SCREW YOU POLICEMEN!!!

Seriously though, I wanted to train with a sword (and play samurai a little bit sure). What would happen to my sword now? I lose my money? screw that!


Hitokage said:
Yeah, grenades are kinda messy no matter how you intend to use them.

Well, not if you use them in the middle of nowhere. :lol

Jonm1010 said:
fine replace the grenade with shotgun, or any other weopon, the cost benefut analogy still needs to be factored, if its doing more harm then good then their is no sense in having it legal to carry. All you end up doing allowing people to carry is a weaponized version of keeping up with the joneses. If they have swords i need one too, if they have guns i need one too, they have two guns ill bring an uzi. The rest of my post still stands.

Actually, I don't care about any governmental assessment of cost benefit ratio.

I'm saying that I generally don't care what weapon someone owns at all. I don't even care what weapon someone uses in the act of self-defense, but something that does massive splash damage, like say something involving explosives, well, that's of extremely limited use to that person in that role because of the reasons I outlined above.

I'm not even advocating a government ban, mind you, I'm just saying from the point of view of a buyer, it's not a very good self-defense weapon so it doesn't have a lot of value.

As for what you said about shotguns and whatnot - if a mugger attacks me, and I draw my concealed handgun, and I fire wantonly and hit some old lady, the mugger is not liable for the death of the old lady - I am. I was completely justified in owning the weapon and in using it to defend myself, but that does not matter very much in the specific case of the old lady.

Of course, ultimately I'm sorry, but I have zero respect for the standard Brit argument that criminals need to have guns or swords if private citizens have guns or swords, because that argument is overly concerned with the idiot dressed in black breaking into someone's home in the middle of the night. They don't need anything - they need to not do what they're doing, and if they don't, they need to get shot or stabbed. I argue with a poster on another forum who makes that sort of "escalation" argument daily.

* * *

I guess this situation effectively ruins my suggestion from the Tyneside Ninja thread, whereas the U.K. policeforce would start employing claymores and composite longbows. :lol I mean, shit, if all the criminals have is a knife, what is that, 1d4 + nothing on average? When the cop'd be doing 2d6+3 at least if he's training with that thing. No contest. ;)
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