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UK: Ban on samurai swords becomes law

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Mountain Dew may be predicting the future when the yo yo becomes a weapon again.


Legislation against selling, making, hiring or importing samurai swords in England and Wales has come into force.

Those breaking the law face six months in jail and a £5,000 fine. Carrying a sword in public is already illegal.

Exemptions will cover swords which are used for re-enactments or antique weapons kept on display by collectors.

Eight years ago a councillor was killed by a man wielding a samurai sword in the office of Cheltenham Liberal Democrat MP Nigel Jones.

Anyone found guilty of importing samurai swords will face up to seven years in prison and an unlimited fine.

'Cheap reproductions'

Samurai swords are part of Japanese history and genuine artefacts can change hands for large sums of money.

But in recent years there has been a trade in reproductions which can be bought over the internet for as little as £35 and they have been used in several attacks.

Last month a gang of youths, one armed with a samurai sword, attacked a 15-year-old boy in Newry, County Down.

On another occasion, a youth was seen brandishing a sword in Newcastle.

Chris James, who deals in antique military items, including Japanese swords, told the BBC he welcomed the legislation.

He said: "I don't have a problem with it if it stops youths getting hold of cheap reproductions."

Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker said: "The government takes violent crime very seriously and we are determined to do all we can to protect individuals and communities.

"Having undertaken a wide consultation we recognise that it is the cheap and easily available samurai swords that have been used in crime. That is why we have made sensible exemptions for genuine enthusiasts.

"This ban is part of our wider strategy to tackle serious violent crime. Later this year we will launch a new advertising campaign aimed at preventing young people carrying knives."

A Home Office spokeswoman said the government had consulted collectors and martial arts groups as well as laws enforcement agencies.

Swords aged over 100 years will be exempt from the law, and defences will be in place for crown functions, museums and drama productions.

Alf Hitchcock, of the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), said: "Throughout the consultation process the Association of Chief Police Officers has supported the government's position on the banning of samurai swords.

"As I have said on previous occasions, these are not the most common weapons for people to carry and use in violent crimes but nationally there have been some significant incidents, serious assaults and murders using a samurai sword.

"So we feel the introduction of a ban is much needed."

Currently 17 weapons, including knuckle dusters and batons are on the Offensive Weapons Order, which was created by the Criminal Justice Act 1988.


If you ban samurai swords only the criminals will have them!


Yes, because the youths who did the attacks wouldn't have just used a baseball bat. Or I guess cricket bat?


Hey they only said samurai swords right? So theres still a ton of other culturally relevant swords from other places that can be used :D

In other news, there was a Japanese festival today in Houston. I now have a pretty good quality wooden replica of a katana and a straw hat. FEAR ME!
castle007 said:
WTF, what is more dangerous swords or guns??

Uh, I'd rather be shot than have a limb severed by a freakin sword. Also, guns are banned in the UK too and have been for years so your point has no point :)


That actually reminds me, I've had an old katana for several years, I need to track down a kanji dictionary so I can at least learn the name of the smith.


Kills Photobucket
Pft, how quick the UK police are to forget how Samurai Swords have helped them.


A MYSTERY man with a Samurai sword came to the aid of police tackling an armed gang.
The drama unfolded as two officers came across a burglary at an upstairs flat in Laygate, South Shields.
Several men armed with a hammer, knives and a metal chain pretended to be police officers to get the occupant to answer the door.
When she opened it, they burst in and attacked the woman, who began to scream.
Luckily for her, two officers in plain clothes were driving past, and they went to tackle the intruders.
One of the Pcs came within a whisker of being stabbed as he tried to make an arrest, with the knifeman's weapon slicing through his clothing. One of the burglars ran off, but was stopped in his tracks when the stranger with the Samurai sword struck him on the arm.
He was arrested, along with another man from the flat, but the have-a-go passer-by disappeared before police could speak to him.
A third man was arrested later, but police believe up to two others who attacked the flat have yet to be traced.
Detective Inspector
Peter Bent, of South Shields CID, said: "This was a violent attack that caused great distress to the injured parties, and we would appeal for anyone with information to come forward.
"The brave actions of these two officers have prevented anyone being seriously injured.
"They were extremely courageous in tackling people they knew were armed, even though they were unarmed themselves.
"This shows a remarkable dedication to duty."
Police are particularly keen to trace the man with the sword who came to the aid of their officers.


When I lived in the UK from 01-03 I was told they were illegal then. Guess my source got ahead of themselves :lol

Maybe the govt was just thinking about it then because I do remember everyone getting uptight over a buttload of samurai sword based crimes.

My cousin gave me a replica samurai sword a year ago. I threw it away. They're cheap garbage anyways.


Because it is just samurai swords that people are using. That's like banning all guns because some guy used a handgun to shot someone.

I'd hate to be killed with a replica samurai sword though, those things are so blunt and dull.


A MYSTERY man with a Samurai sword came to the aid of police tackling an armed gang.
The drama unfolded as two officers came across a burglary at an upstairs flat in Laygate, South Shields.
Several men armed with a hammer, knives and a metal chain pretended to be police officers to get the occupant to answer the door.
When she opened it, they burst in and attacked the woman, who began to scream.
Luckily for her, two officers in plain clothes were driving past, and they went to tackle the intruders.
One of the Pcs came within a whisker of being stabbed as he tried to make an arrest, with the knifeman's weapon slicing through his clothing. One of the burglars ran off, but was stopped in his tracks when the stranger with the Samurai sword struck him on the arm.

Anyone else smell a new comic/movie in the making. Someone cash in on this quick.

Also next they'll probably ban scimitars or something (do they even make those anymore?). Maybe Rapiers...

Also Acid you could've given it to someone :lol Kinda wasteful to throw away even a cheap replica. Unless it was already damaged or something.

*The festival also had a stand with some guy that was selling Keyblade(complete with Mickey keychain on it) and Gunblade replicas.No Buster Swords or Bleach stuff though*


Did not ask for this tag
Now they'll start using bastard swords, cutlasses or rapiers, or continue using machetes.


Does it bug the hell out of anyone else that you 'hire' inanimate objects in the UK?

Also who the fuck rents a samurai sword anyway? Are there really samurai sword rental companies in the UK?

:lol :lol


iamblades said:
Does it bug the hell out of anyone else that you 'hire' inanimate objects in the UK?

Also who the fuck rents a samurai sword anyway? Are there really samurai sword rental companies in the UK?

:lol :lol

:lol Preowned Swords and Release day guarantee.

Also wtf if someone comes at you with a Bastard Sword.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Just went to Battle Orders to see what they say:

As of 6 April 2008 a new category has been added to the Criminal Justice Offensive Weapons law of 1998. Our understanding here at Battle Orders is that it affects curved swords over 50cms in length from the handle to the tip of the blade. The defences allowed include use of the blade for practising sport where blades are traditionally used. We believe this means Samurai Swords can be sold to Martial Artist over 18 witha valid license. Other curved swords such as Sabres will be permitted for use by Re-enactors. The full New Law can be sent to you with our compliments on request or you can call the Home Office for their advise. As it is the police who will enforce this law it may also be advisable to contact your local police for further information. Please understand here at Battle Orders we can only read and apply this law to the extent of our understanding and legal advice taken. If in doubt please speak to us direct at Battle Orders on 01323 485182.

That's absurd. I can't imagine that samurai sword attacks are very widespread and this especially sucks for collectors or those who are interested in Japanese culture.


I'm not in the UK, but I had an english teacher in high school who missed like 6 months because he was attacked by "ninjas."


People being attacked by Swords and Axe's. It happens here, a guy had his hand sliced off by looking at some dude wrongly. Another decapitated cleanly last year in a park in north London. A teenager was axed in the back in Liverpool while dropping his girl off at a bus stop.

I welcome this ban


A guy in LA got killed by an arrow recently, which has to be a 100% increase, but they didn't ban bows afaik.


"Ban on samurai swords becomes law"



I have another name for democracy, 'knee-jerk reactionism'. We elect stooges who talk bullshit for election cycles, make a bunch of promises at the end of each one and (this is the relevant thing for the thread) readily run around banning this and that whenever something goes wrong to look 'tough'.


Scary Euro Man
xabre said:
I have another name for democracy, 'knee-jerk reactionism'. We elect stooges who talk bullshit for election cycles, make a bunch of promises at the end of each one and (this is the relevant thing for the thread) readily run around banning this and that whenever something goes wrong to look 'tough'.

Welcome to the wonderful realisation that democracy doesn't work.

The next stage is for everyone to unite behind me as world dictator for life in a bloodless coup.


iapetus said:
Welcome to the wonderful realisation that democracy doesn't work.

The next stage is for everyone to unite behind me as world dictator for life in a bloodless coup.

Does u haz a newsletter I can subscribe to? Will ur coup enforce internet memes and lolcats into everyday society? Deez questions need answrs.


Chili Con Carnage!
It's true that this wont accomplish very much, kids/gangs who want weapons capable of killing dont have to look very far. This is really a case of an industry screwing itself over by not policing itself much better, the fact that you can walk into any shopping centre in the UK and by an imitation sword for £30 that's easily sharp enough to sever a limb with no identification or waiting period just makes it a ridiculously easy scape goat for campaigners.

All the retailers ever did was try and hide behind a ridiculous "Its for display only" policy.
iapetus said:
Welcome to the wonderful realisation that democracy doesn't work.

The next stage is for everyone to unite behind me as world dictator for life in a bloodless coup.

I'm in, provided you make all drugs legal, except smoking (mainly to see what will happen) And force BT to fibre optic their entire network instead of spending billions on tech that will be out of date by the time it's actually fully implemented.



WTF is this shit! I already have 4 of them!
Banning guns, ok, but my swords? FU!
Good thing: I do not live in the UK


oh, I didn't realise it was the really long sharp things that were behind all the recent stabbings. Its good that they're banned.

(Isn't it quite difficult to stab someone with a samurai sword?)



Obsidian fan
Klaw has touched upon a good point.
Surely its easier to kill someone with one of the millions of knives (even kitchenware knives) than a 4 foot piece of steel? Easier to hide too.

Its like letting people waltz around with handguns after banning the Arquebus!
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