TNG (and Trek as a whole prior to the end of Enterprise) was about telling a story first with morals. Not preaching. Meanwhile modern day Trek is about soap box preaching first and foremost with some action set pieces. They don’t give a toss about making well defined characters. That is typical of any “slacktivist” bent writing.
I think we are having a misunderstanding here. You stated that you don’t mind if they inject “woke” stuff into something as long as they have good characters, story, direction. Any writer, any director who tries to do that always fails. Even if they are amazingly talented, they will fail because Slacktivist writing immediately ruins any story. It ruins characters. It ruins direction. It is literally impossible to have a “woke” show be good.
Some mental midgets like to claim that Trek has always been “woke”, but that isn’t true. It was progressive, it had morals, and it focused on telling good, engaging stories with a few missteps (Spock’s Brain for example). “Woke” means it is slacktivist writing. It is inherently, at its core, not progressive. It is regressive. That is the point I am making.