Captain Smoker
Any exact numbers for PS4 or a range for PS3?
Xbox One 2013
US - 1,817,000
UK - 364,000
= 2,181,000
in the two biggest markets, and arguably, the most favourable to Xbox
3,000,000 - 2,181,000
819,000 sold in the remaining 11 countries to make their 3Million+ claim for 2013 valid...
"Hardware sales of the Wii U were also positive with December 2013 marking its highest month for unit sales month so far," NPD analyst Liam Callahan noted. Guess having great games does sell hardware, huh?
Wii U over 460k?
It's definitely disappointing. It shows publishers they can be lazy and people will still buy their products...
The Wii U's hardware is probably going to be cringeworthy, but Arthur clarified that he was just going by the 360 numbers being 643k, hence the Wii U being sub-643k:
Honestly, did even the most optimistic people in prediction threads think it would be that high anyway?
Xbox One 2013
US - 1,817,000
UK - 364,000
= 2,181,000
in the two biggest markets, and arguably, the most favourable to Xbox
3,000,000 - 2,181,000
819,000 sold in the remaining 11 countries to make their 3Million+ claim for 2013 valid...
Damn, XBO version of nearly all multiplats outsold their PS4 counterparts.
What good is it to have the best and cheapest console on the market if people can't buy it? Well done Microsoft, you just outsold the $100, more powerful/cheaper/hyped PS4. It's not small feat.
I'm sure PS4 is dominating in most EU regions, this is an NPD thread though...Wait until you see how much traction Microsoft have lost in tier two countries before you say that.
Actually the North American market is the biggest and the most important. Getting a lead here should be the priority for any company.A sale here in North America is worth the same as a sale anywhere else.
True. Microsoft won the battle(December) but Sony is still winning the war.I don't think the victory has any market consequences when the gap isn't that large yet.
If it was a million-plus difference, I would agree with you.
Next year, I want to see some new faces in the top ten software list. I'm tired of the same old franchises dominating. I really hope we see a lot of risk taking with new IP'S and soon. I'm more sick of tired franchises than tired hardware.
I'm not sure the Wii U is next gen.Add in Wii U titles like SMW3D.
Nintendo is so incredibly stupid for not having Mario Kart in November.
I mean, they've botched this entire generation and it wouldn't have saved them, but it still would have moved more consoles.
no, it's like 2 million a month. They wanted 9m + the launch year's 3.x million.
Wait, Xbox One sold more consoles in December than PS4? I thought we had already determined that this can't possibly be, based on the sales figured released by Sony and MS about sales in 2013?
Going by previous releases? I would say quite a lot.
Xbox One 2013
US - 1,817,000
UK - 364,000
= 2,181,000
in the two biggest markets, and arguably, the most favourable to Xbox
3,000,000 - 2,181,000
819,000 sold in the remaining 11 countries to make their 3Million+ claim for 2013 valid...
During the month of December, Xbox One held six of the top 10 spots on the new generation console game title list: “Battlefield 4,” “Forza Motorsport 5,” “Dead Rising 3,” “Ryse: Son of Rome,” “Madden NFL 25” and “Call of Duty: Ghosts” (Source: NPD Group, December 2013).
Sony having their Kanye moment.Sony confirmed the PS4's US LTD > The One's US LTD.
The Wii U's hardware is probably going to be cringeworthy, but Arthur clarified that he was just going by the 360 numbers being 643k, hence the Wii U being sub-643k:
Honestly, did even the most optimistic people in prediction threads think it would be that high anyway?
NPD would consider it a part of the 8th generation (current gen: XBO, PS4, 3DS, Vita, and Wii U).I'm not sure the Wii U is next gen.
Not even trolling, I have no idea what NPDs definition is.
Pretty damning evidence that the 3.0 million number was a lie/assumption.
But Playstation 4 still has more sales in The US LTD, so what leadership?Seems like Microsoft will be able to maintain the leadership in the States/North America, while the rest of the world will be highly skewed towards the PS4.
Xbox One 2013
US - 1,817,000
UK - 364,000
= 2,181,000
in the two biggest markets, and arguably, the most favourable to Xbox
3,000,000 - 2,181,000
819,000 sold in the remaining 11 countries to make their 3Million+ claim for 2013 valid...
I love the WiiU but honestly I am surprised that many consoles were moved. Not surprised at all by the next gen numbers. It is good to see people are ready to jump onto next gen.
The faster the WiiU tanks, the sooner I can pick one up cheaply to play The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2.
I'm not sure the Wii U is next gen.
Not even trolling, I have no idea what NPDs definition is.
On a positive note, Nintendo will definitely drop the Wii U's price again.
The PR doesn't say that, just that 6 of the Top 10 are on XBO, of which three of those are also on PS4. In fact you can deduce that the remaining 4 in the Top 10 are probably the other PS4/Wii U exclusives.
It could also means that xbone performed better than expected outside US/UK.
Pretty damning evidence that the 3.0 million number was a lie/assumption.
Actually the North American market is the biggest and the most important. Getting a lead here should be the priority for any company.
Nintendo is so incredibly stupid for not having Mario Kart in November.
I mean, they've botched this entire generation and it wouldn't have saved them, but it still would have moved more consoles.