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MAJOR changes coming to Easy Allies in 2024 (failed to meet profit targets)


  • Easy Allies failed to meet their profit target to sustain full-time employment.
  • Bradley Ellis is leaving Easy Allies having found higher paying work.
  • Everyone else currently staying on Easy Allies has a part-time salary.
  • Non-performing shows have been downsized to be small/part-time features.
  • The focus in 2024 is to double down on the performing shows with the hope of a profit bounce back.
More transition?
I See You Hunks GIF by giphystudios2021


Way too many people depending on stuff like Patreon to make a living, but it's not for everybody

Yeah, it sucks to be an employee of a company like they used to be back then with Gametrailers, but at the end of the day, it lived longer than Easy Allies will, it seems

While Mr Beast is making truckloads of money, some really good content creators are almost broke

But well, that's life


I knew Brad was going to leave any day after the stunt they pulled on him for being associated with anyone from Last Stand.

If they want to make money again there's probably a much better solution. Get rid of Ian, sorry... Isla, and stop pandering to a toxic, perpetually offended demographic.

There are likely other reasons, too. But it's not hard to match up the timelines here and notice a funny coincidence that your program took a shit when certain people left and a tranny got paraded front and center. As if they were suddenly the most important part of Easy Allies.
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I don't really watch or read much games journalism media from this side of the globe anymore, but I did tune in for a video or 2 with Brad or Ben in it. No reason to really care now that he's gone, but hopefully wherever he lands he can still gush about FF, KH, and other things in a better environment

Surprised Huber is still there(?)


Call me wtf you want, I loved the crew but things changed and now I almost don't watch them.

They CLEARLY changed with the whole Isla thing. They openly refused to review one of the biggest game of the year, they no longer have that best friend vibe.

I still watch the bosman show, he is great. Only guy left that I like is Huber.

So 2 guys from a crew of like 10 ? I hate to say it but they are going downhill...
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Reseterror Resettler
I totally thought the dude on the left was just a fugly Gus-looking long haired metal head, since like...circa Final Fantasy VII Remake trailers.

I support your rights, but I also support my rights in being allowed to say you don't pass.

But EA has been largely irrelevant for a bit now, posturing aside.
I stopped watching them not long after Bosman left
2 more left after him and now another is leaving.

I only partially tune in for Huber. Bloodworth is cool too but not good enough for his own shows.

Isla(formerly Ian) I was never a fan of. If anything, things got worse with Isla after Elyse left years ago and were never the same since. Everyone kind of danced around this but you could visibly see the heartbreak from the moment she left and Isla never took a break and just worked through it, so it never truly went away.

Damiani has always been kind of a troll since his GT podcast days and it got old over time. The main thing I liked him for were those moments where he gave Nintendo a hard time when others wouldn’t dare do the same.

A dream scenario would be taking Huber and Bloodworth and moving them over to Nextlander with Vinny, Alex, and Brad.
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I haven't followed them for a while, what happened?
They brought in Dustin from Sacred Symbols and a small minority of the community was mad that they brought in someone affiliated with Colin cause he's "transphobic". They took down the video and basically banned Dustin/put down Brad despite Brad and Dustin being really good friends.

it was a stupid thing to do.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Isla and Blood are probably the best people left. Isla at least has actual video editing basic skills, knows tons of indie devs personally, and plays interesting games sometimes. Blood is basically running everything himself and is pretty normal.

Damiani and Huber are just the worst. Huber is on suicide watch at this point. His fake enthusiasm is just insufferable. One of the most thin skinned people in the business. No clue what kind of job skills he even has when this finally tanks.
Without Bosman there was little point but with no Ben, no Brandon, no Brad...why do they even exist? Outside of Don there is no personality.

The journalism isn't great and their guests aren't thought provoking.

Colin was right.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
Outside Kyle Bosman, the only thing that I liked was the voice of Brandon Jones. Kyle left and "eh"

The GameTrailers vibe is not really there anymore
What came first, pushing away their real talent like Ben, Brandon and Kyle or pushing away the audience?
I would have tried to stick with Kyle if I was in that group.
I would have stuck with them no matter who was left if they didnt treat their Reee audience like royalty but left the silent majority in the dust. The original gang were nerds through and through and is counter programming to the frat boy energy of Kinda Funny.


What happened?
Brad appeared on a sacred symbols+ show about kh with dustin. It was very succesful. In return brad invited dustin to appear on a frame trap episode which was very succesful as well but few days after there was huge drama on resetera since their vocal but very cheap fans were complaining nonstop that eza was giving a platform to racist/bigoted etc. people.

Eza fans have been like that for a long while. There has been many instances where they stopped the eza personalites to do collab with other channel that would bring more subs.

I was a patreon supporter the first 3 year, 5 dollar tear and cancelled right after bosman left.

Really sad how thinghs turn out for them :///


I like their reviews but the rest is average or below.

Hope these changes improve their work.
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