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It is unethical to breed dogs that can't be birthed naturally.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I love dogs. I even love a lot of these breeds, but its pretty messed up what weve done. Some of these breeds are awesome and iconic.English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers – all of these have features that prevent them from being delivered naturally.

Let's be real: those big heads and broad shoulders on English Bulldogs? Not doing them any favors during childbirth. And don't get me started on French Bulldogs. Even Pugs and Boston Terriers with their compact builds face birthing challenges.
It's time to face the facts – our preferences might be causing unnecessary problems for these furry friends. We've got to prioritize their health over looks. Responsible breeding means putting their well-being first.

I also thing dogs with breathing problems are unethical too.


Gold Member
100% agree. I’m also not a fan of the massive amount of inbreeding going on with dogs at various kennels so folks can get a pure-bred golden retriever or whatever that folks are chasing after. Health issues abound.

I have a similar distaste for declawing cats. If you don’t want to take the time to establish conditions so that your leather sofa doesn’t get covered in claw marks, don’t get a cat. Choosing your furniture over your cat’s well-being by electing to amputate the last bone of all their fingers and toes is awful. Imagine how you would experience life losing those same sections of your hands and feet.


Ultimate DQ Fan
100% agree. I’m also not a fan of the massive amount of inbreeding going on with dogs at various kennels so folks can get a pure-bred golden retriever or whatever that folks are chasing after. Health issues abound.
Absolutely. The problem is breeding is such a cashcow, and is relatively easy. I had neighbors that would breed their Rottweilers. I actually got one of their puppies, and it turned out to the best dog I've ever owned. But they were begging us to let us breed her with her father. Fortunately we had gotten her fixed so that wasn't an option


Gold Member
Seems like these days it's those -doodle mutt......err boutique hybrids :p

How long till we run out of pure poodles? Not soon enough for me.

Both of my dogs are rescues of extremely dubious lineage and while they are idiots they are surprisingly healthy.
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