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Iran’s presidential advisor: ‘all of the Middle East is part of the Iranian Empire "

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Return of the Empire?
Iran is once again an empire whose influence extends to Iraq and beyond, a top Iranian presidential advisor said Sunday, days after Saudi Arabia expressed alarm that “Iran is taking over Iraq.”

“At the moment Iraq is not only the bastion of our civilization, it is also our identity, culture and capital and this is true now as in the past,” Ali Younesi, an advisor to the Iranian president said at a forum on Iran’s ethnic identifies.

“The geography of Iran and Iraq cannot be divided,” said Younesi, a former intelligence minister, speaking at a Tehran forum titled “Iran: nationality, history and heritage.”

“All of the Middle East is Iranian,” Younesi declared, warning that no one had the right to oppose Iran’s influence in the region.

He said that people now living in neighboring countries are also Iranian “because their countries were separated from the empire east and west.”

“Protecting our security and historical national identity would not be possible unless we look at our influence in the region,” the ISNA news agency quoted Younesi as saying.

Iran “does not eye beyond its borders but a natural unification in the region is on the table right now,” he declared.

“I do not mean that we should once again conquer the world, I mean that we have to remain vigilant and know where we stand,” he said. “We have to think globally but act Iranian.”

Younesi said that, as Iranian forces back the Iraqi army in its war with Islamic State (ISIS), “our historical rivals are upset and they help our enemies to spite us.”

In a clear jibe at archrivals Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Younesi said Tehran’s military involvement in the region is to “protect the Iranian people against the Wahabis and Ottoman rule.”

Iranian influence has grown tremendously in Iraq and beyond since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq upset the regional balance.

US hawks had advocated that the Iraq invasion would likely lead to weakening Iran, but the opposite has been true: the Islamic Republic’s power and influence in the region is larger than ever before. It has troops in Iraq and Syria and its reach extends across the Middle East to Yemen.


That's the MiddleEast to you one lunatic after another.
I mean, there are a lot of shiites in Iraq who probably wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

Although Iraqis are Arabs and most Iranian/Persian people I know will always point out that they themselves aren't arab. It would be nice if there could be some Pan-Islamic unity at the very least, with a secular government similar to Turkey. I often wonder what the ME would look like if the Ottoman Empire wasn't broken up and divided.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Everyone has there own sphere of influence. The Sunnis have shown just how kind they are towards Shia Muslims as evidenced in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc. This is nothing more than the only Shia power in the region telling the Sunnis that shit isn't going to fly no longer. Just sabre rattling.


The Persian empire was never that successful...

"Hey these Greeks aren't... oh no"

"Pshaw, these Arabs could nev... oh dear"

"The Mongols? Why would we be worr.... oh my"


"playing" dumb? unpossible
The Persian empire was never that successful...

"Hey these Greeks aren't... oh no"

"Pshaw, these Arabs could nev... oh dear"

"The Mongols? Why would we be worr.... oh my"

You could say the same thing about any empire. Also, by the time the mongols rolled in, there was no Persian Empire.


Return of the Empire?

That's the MiddleEast to you one lunatic after another.

You know I am sick of people talking about world leaders as if they are morons or idiots. These people are smarter than you or anyone you know. If you think Obama wouldn't do the same exact things as them if he was in their place then you are mistaken.


You know I am sick of people talking about world leaders as if they are morons or idiots. These people are smarter than you or anyone you know. If you think Obama wouldn't do the same exact things as them if he was in their place then you are mistaken.

Srsly? The idea that morons or idiots cannot be leaders of the world, is idiotically moronic.


You know I am sick of people talking about world leaders as if they are morons or idiots. These people are smarter than you or anyone you know. If you think Obama wouldn't do the same exact things as them if he was in their place then you are mistaken.


I say again, LOL


did you guys never hear of the monroe doctrine? boy's aspiring to a sphere of influence. not a particularly wild idea.


Junior Member
You know I am sick of people talking about world leaders as if they are morons or idiots. These people are smarter than you or anyone you know. If you think Obama wouldn't do the same exact things as them if he was in their place then you are mistaken.

Lmao 10/10 would read again


"playing" dumb? unpossible
did you guys never hear of the monroe doctrine? boy's aspiring to a sphere of influence. not a particularly wild idea.

Only America is allowed to carve out a whole hemisphere as their personal area of influence lol.


Since the founding of the United States? Ever hear of Manifest Destiny? Cuba? Puerto Rico? Philippines? Hawaii? A shitton of small south pacific islands?

We claim countries like Cuba as part of the US, in the modern day? You sure about that?


I think Iran attempting to expand their influence in the Middle East in one way or another is only a matter of time, really, especially with Iraq and Syria being in such a mess in comparison.

I mean, it's not like our leaders here in America didn't clamor for same things in the 18th-19th centuries. We don't really do it now, of course, but when you've taken about a third of a continent and basically have economic and military hegemony over the entire planet, do you really need anything else?
Since the founding of the United States? Ever hear of Manifest Destiny? Cuba? Puerto Rico? Philippines? Hawaii? A shitton of small south pacific islands?

We are still an Empire( if we ever was)? US was pretty much imperialistic back then, but if the US is an empire now well so is France, Denmark, and the UK considering the amount of territory/islands they control.


We claim countries like Cuba as part of the US, in the modern day? You sure about that?
You ask "since when". I tell you since the beginning. Nowadays Washington realizes it's more economical to supply people who will seize control of a country and set up a couple military bases.
It's not like the US murdered and overthrew other world leaders, no sir.

Exactly. Now that Iran is doing it they should also carry 100% of the blame for everything that happens after such an action. America could land an entire army in Yemen now and it would still just be a reaction to Iran's overthrow of the government.


We are still an Empire( if we ever was)? US was pretty much imperialistic back then, but if the US is an empire now well so is France, Denmark, and the UK considering the amount of territory/islands they control.

I mean, if we, France, Denmark and the UK still have territories that aren't fully incorporated into their respective governments, I think we'd technically still be empires. I really don't feel that's the case in a practical sense, but from a technical standpoint, sure.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Its only right



Srsly? The idea that morons or idiots cannot be leaders of the world, is idiotically moronic.
Yes extreme cases in this chaotic world do exist but are unlikely the norm.

I think they are likely smarter than we give them credit for, playing the game to reach the top takes some noodle. They just may not be very good at other aspects like economics, delegation, geopolitics, etc.


Yes extreme cases in this chaotic world do exist but are unlikely the norm.

I think they are likely smarter than we give them credit for, playing the game to reach the top takes some noodle. They just may not be very good at other aspects like economics, delegation, geopolitics, etc.

It doesn't take smarts though. Playing the game, as it were, requires many skills, most of them would be considered unsavoury, and none of them designate those who succeed at it as being 'non morons or non idiots.'
I mean, if we, France, Denmark and the UK still have territories that aren't fully incorporated into their respective governments, I think we'd technically still be empires. I really don't feel that's the case in a practical sense, but from a technical standpoint, sure.

It depends.The definition of empires can be pretty vague I think, sometimes. Many countries control different territories that's not in there own country. Turkey controls an area in Syria, China controls some islands, annexed Tibet awhile ago, calms control over Tawian, controls Hong Kong( which was under control by Britain until sometime in the 90s), Russian also controls some areas, etc

From what I know US territories like Guam, Puerto Rico; the citizens are considered Americans, but can't vote.

Anyway that Iranian is full of crap. No way they will succeed if he really believes that.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You need smarter rhetoric. When western countries exert influence over other nations in their political sphere, they just use friendly language like "freedom"

By the way it doesn't look like the presidential advisor actually says "Empire" in that article so keep in mind the use of this word is greatly biasing how people read this story. I am no friend of Iran, but I'm also not a puppet of biased news.
You need smarter rhetoric. When western countries exert influence over other nations in their political sphere, they just use friendly language like "freedom"

By the way it doesn't look like the presidential advisor actually says "Empire" in that article so keep in mind the use of this word is greatly biasing how people read this story. I am no friend of Iran, but I'm also not a puppet of biased news.

He said that people now living in neighboring countries are also Iranian “because their countries were separated from the empire east and west.”

Though I doubt he meant it in a modern context.


both sides have hardliners who want cold war instead of peace.

This is just another hand grenade, this time aimed to make Americans think Iran actually IS planning something dangerous.


It depends.The definition of empires can be pretty vague I think, sometimes. Many countries control different territories that's not in there own country. Turkey controls an area in Syria, China controls some islands, annexed Tibet awhile ago, calms control over Tawian, controls Hong Kong( which was under control by Britain until sometime in the 90s), Russian also controls some areas, etc

From what I know US territories like Guam, Puerto Rico; the citizens are considered Americans, but can't vote.

Anyway that Iranian is full of crap. No way they will succeed if he really believes that.

Yeah, that's why I said only technically, since for some, the territories they control would put them under the definition of an empire. But you're right, it kind of depends on who you talk to you when it comes to what is or isn't an empire. I wouldn't really consider the likes of the U.S., France, Turkey, Denmark and the others empires, since they really don't seem focused on territorial acquisition and their territories aren't really administered in ways a traditional empire would. Heck, Hawaii eventually became a state and I bet Puerto Rico will too at some point.

When it comes to Russia and China? Eh, it's a bit iffy. I honestly don't think you can really have a very concrete definition for an empire, since it can differ from nation to nation. I would consider both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. as empires during the Cold War, although I would say the U.S. could be described more as a 'soft' empire while the U.S.S.R. could be considered closer in line to a traditional empires, although not entirely.

Youseni's words definitely seem pretty contradictory to me. You can't say "we don't eye beyond our borders" and then say things like "the geography of Iran Iraq cannot be divided" and "natural unification of the region" without raising a few eyebrows.
Most Iranian's are Shia right? And most other middle eastern countries are Sunni?

Wouldn't this cause some serious inter-religion conflicts?
It's far beyond Sunnis and Shia's, Iran's Western, Northern, Southern and Eastern neighbors won't like this one bit.
Remember when Saddam said Kuwait is part of Iraq?


Exactly. Now that Iran is doing it they should also carry 100% of the blame for everything that happens after such an action. America could land an entire army in Yemen now and it would still just be a reaction to Iran's overthrow of the government.

That's an incredibly short-sighted view. Iran's aggression is a result of the current situation. Yes, Iran's trying to expand, and yes, that's probably "bad". But it's hardly the first time a Middle Eastern nation has tried to exert its power. The aggression of regional powers like Iran is a symptom of something larger. Something that destabilized the entire Middle East for over half a century (and counting).

It's Western intervention (and mostly by the US). Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, the list goes on and on. The addition of Israel to the equation (justified or not) only made things worse. The US has tried for the last 60 or so years to keep US-supporting leaders in power, or anti-US leaders out of power. The Soviet Union/Russia didn't help things either. And because of all this meddling, only the staunchest US supporters have been allowed to thrive (like Saudia Arabia and Israel), while the rest of the region suffers through autocratic regimes.

But oh, no, Iran's acting all uppity now. It's their fault! Everything's their fault! Burn them!
Will blame be pinned on Iran now? Most likely. Do they deserve it? A large portion of it, undoubtedly.
But it's important to remember that such an outcome is to be expected because of the toxic climate Western powers have cultivated in the Middle East.

Side note:
America could send an army to Yemen, but that won't happen because
a) the last time we tried to send an army to the Middle East things didn't work out and the time before that we thought we really showed 'em, but then that kind of got us into the mess that we're in right now and
b) the American public is tired of sending soldiers to the other side of the planet to fight in a war that doesn't really affect them.
Also, Western intervention is what made the Middle East into the volatile powder keg it is today. More Western intervention isn't going to help that. Not that it deterred anyone anyways.

Can we just build some sort of dome around the Middle East and let everyone inside fight it out.
Not while there's oil there. Oh, and Israel too, can't leave our nukes unattended.
That's an incredibly short-sighted view. Iran's aggression is a result of the current situation. Yes, Iran's trying to expand, and yes, that's probably "bad". But it's hardly the first time a Middle Eastern nation has tried to exert its power. The aggression of regional powers like Iran is a symptom of something larger. Something that destabilized the entire Middle East for over half a century (and counting).

And the 20+ centuries before were entirely peaceful ? Shia and Sunnis, Arabs and Persians were killing each other over who was in charge for 1000 years before any colonial powers or meddling Americans appeared.
OP's source is a google search page, seems legit. And non of those websites are credible sources.
It's all over Iranian media and Arabic Media.
His statements led the Arabic Union of Attorneys to condemn such statements since it doesn't help especially with how things are happening there.


contribute something
Iranian control over the Shia parts of Iraq would probably be a blessing.

Is there much anti-Arab sentiment in Iran?
He's talking about a sphere of influence / cultural ties and suddenly it's return of the empire? smdh western media. How dare they try and be a political force in the region.

Iran's mullahs and politicians are a shower of shits (shi'ites, what a pun) but this is a throw-away statement being blown out of proportion. The timing is very interesting.


Iran “does not eye beyond its borders but a natural unification in the region is on the table right now,” he declared.

“I do not mean that we should once again conquer the world, I mean that we have to remain vigilant and know where we stand,” he said. “We have to think globally but act Iranian.”

Sounds like it was more a talk about how the ISIS threat is reshaping borders and that Iran knows it is a big player in regional geopolitics. Which it is.

Let's not allow ourselves to be fooled once more by banging war drums over ambiguous comments. If you're looking for meddlers and aggressors in the region look no further than the west and those under its sphere of influence.


Considering iran looks modern and progressive compared to islamic state and saudi arabia, i think the west is on the wrong side of the Sunni / shia conflict
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