Wonko_C Member Wednesday at 6:13 PM #1 Yep, the original Halo is finally playable in VR with full 6DOF motion aiming and grenade throwing. (Finally I'll be able to finish this game in a difficulty above Normal... Heroic kicked my ass on console)
Yep, the original Halo is finally playable in VR with full 6DOF motion aiming and grenade throwing. (Finally I'll be able to finish this game in a difficulty above Normal... Heroic kicked my ass on console)
Kupfer Member Wednesday at 6:14 PM #2 cyberheater was faster CE:VR. The first proper Halo VR mod This for the original CE only. Not the remastered version. https://github.com/LivingFray/HaloCEVR www.neogaf.com
cyberheater was faster CE:VR. The first proper Halo VR mod This for the original CE only. Not the remastered version. https://github.com/LivingFray/HaloCEVR www.neogaf.com